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Contempt and Emergency motion filed

spittenfire's picture

Well yesterday was really draining and really tough on me and my DH. So me hotlining BM worked, Caseworker apparently went out to see them. Not sure what happened because noone has yet contacted my DH. Hopefully they get ahold of him today to get his side of things. The only reason we know the Caseworker made it out there is the text my DH got from we assume the BF that stated "Thanks for the home check I like being told I am a good Dad" When i hotlined BM they asked if I was aware of any other Children and he does have daughter, but the hotline wasnt for him. Also BM text my DH again saying that "The caseworker and DFS agree I should enroll him in New School District and cant believe you want me to break the law by keeping him in Old school district" Then she basically told DH that she would be monitoring phone calls and if there was any funny business then she would end his call immediately. Bad thing is it was not even my husband that hotlined her, it was me at our lawyers recommendation and now he is the one getting harrased for it basically. He did not respond in any way other than requesting to speak to SS. God we need some good coping mechanisms..... We know in our hearts there is no possible way that a GAL would have encouraged enrolling him in a New School district without following the law for relocating! But this BM is so manipulative and persistent that sometimes you think you are the one going crazy!! So DH got the motions this AM, one is a motion for contempt for relocating SS without properly notifing DH and the Other is a emergency order for temporary custody. Reading them any sane person I believe would be "if you can prove it, emergency custody granted!" but we are dealing with a justice system......So we shall see the motions are supposed to go before the judge on 1/29/14 so we will see what happens. We are requesting that our lawyer try to get a order for all communications to go through Family Wizard we are going to try to go the route of as low contact as possible with BM.

I really hate how it is supposed to be in the best interest of the Child and DH is trying to protect his son by keeping his life as stable as possible yet it seems everyone is more concerned with making DH out to be the bad guy.....or at least BM is trying to make us feel that everyone is doing that.....can any of this constitute harrassment i wonder.

Sorry for my rambling.


spittenfire's picture

I am not leading the campaign. My husband is, but yes i am very involved. I have known this child since he was born, and love him almost as much as I do my own. I am also a nurse and better able to recognize and describe the medical neglect, which is why the lawyer told me to make the hotline call. But I wasnt the first, the school had already hotlined her, and they are going to know that soon because it is listed that the school made the hotline report in the Emergency motion. And when a school makes a report they investigate everything. He will feel heat from her regardless of what anyone does....its her MO. But her BF getting involved was unintended, though my DH has already claimed him a criminal that does pose a risk to SS. This is the guy that had BM arrested and then when we arrived to pick up SS at BF house had him cramming his stuff in Trashbags and sent him to load it up without shoes on when it was 20 degrees outside with no jacket on and had no idea where his needed medication was for his asthma. Now yes i help in every sense to gather the documenation and get it sent to the lawyer etc etc. But face time with judge and GAL is strictly DH, I have not even met the GAL yet, not sure if I will before court. I have to testify to pictures that i took so I wont even be in the courtroom during the hearing except to testify.

Jsmom's picture

Gotta love the spin from these BM's. Keep doing the right thing and document everything. She will get hers...

SituationalTourettes's picture

While I am a BM, I totally agree that the justice system isnt blind, it's stupid. If the father is a better parent, then why simply because Mommy has a vagina then she gets the benefit of the doubt even with ironclad evidence.

And I think the hotline is anonymous. I don't think anyone will know YOU called instead of DH unless you tell them, right?

spittenfire's picture

I told them my name and relationship, it does make the hotline more credible. However they are absolutley forbidden by law to release the name of who made the hotline call to anyone! So BM and BF are just assuming. I dont even think DFS can tell the Judge or lawyers who made the calls. Now mandated reporters can be released on who made the call. So the school making the hotline call can be released....this is in MO I think all of this is correct? Anyone know for sure? That is what I remember from my reasearch.