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So Sick of This

Sour75's picture

So I've been stuck babysitting SD all weekend. Husband worked 12 hours yesterday and today is shaping up to be the same or more. 
We're supposed to have SD every weekend (no CO, just what they agreed upon). Lately, however, we've had at least 5 days out of the week.  Since she just went back to BM's on Wednesday night, she asked if it was okay to stay there this weekend. DH told her it was fine, but BM told her no way, she had plans. 
BM was originally supposed to pick her up early this morning, which turned into 11:30AM, which turned into 5:00 or 6:00PM. Now she just text SD and told her she's not getting her today, her father can drop her off on his way to work tomorrow morning. DH most likely won't even be home until 10 or 11 tonight. 
So all this to say, I've been babysitting this miserable brat all weekend. Her mother can't commit to picking her up, but was able to take time out of her busy social life to add $50 into SD's Roblox game. SD has been sure to rub my daughter's nose in that. Also her freshly salon colored hair and acrylic nails (She's 12! And there's a pandemic!). She also nearly destroyed my house. Clothes, toys, and her stuff just everywhere. Crumbs all over the floor.
I really don't know how much more I can take. My husband and his ex decide all this, and I'm barely even informed, let alone consulted. 


hereiam's picture

We're supposed to have SD every weekend (no CO, just what they agreed upon).

First of all, no WE'RE about it, it is your husband's visitation and HIS responsibility. They agreed upon it, they can deal with finding childcare if neither of them are available to watch their own child.

How did you come to be the nanny for your husband's and BM's child? I hope you are being paid well.

My husband and his ex decide all this, and I'm barely even informed, let alone consulted. 

Seriously, put an end to this nonsense. She is supposed to be there to see him. If your husband is not there, neither is his kid.

shamds's picture

your husband making executive decisions involving your time. His kid is not and never will be your responsibility...

then he panders to bio mums every whim because you know they have a kid and out of pissing her or you off, he fears pissing her off more because she can weaponise their kid against him.

your balless husband also refuses to hold bio mum accountable for strict times to pick up their kid, he caves in continually. He is not firm. When it isn’t his day and if he were to grow some balls and tells his ex he cannot take his daughter as he has to work, for sure bio mum will have no shame telling him its your job to care for her because you are his wife and do nothing but serve him so she can party...

its time to bring the pain for hubby!! Another stepmum told me this back in late 2017, make him fear pissing you off more than he would be afraid of what the exwife and skids can do

Winterglow's picture

Sorry but I have things to do. However, if you can't collect her immediately, I'll just drop her off at the police station... 

tog redux's picture

Yeah, no way would I agree to this. Stand up for yourself. If DH isn't there, SD isn't there, either. You aren't a live-in nanny.

ldvilen's picture

What the H-!?  “My husband and his ex- decide all this, and I'm barely even informed, let alone consulted.”  Okay, so you are agreeable to being this particular family’s be.atch?  That is entirely up to you to decide.  You can own your adult role and wife or SO role and say No and mean No.  Their children, their problem.  Or, you can sit in a corner, all quiet while they make plans for your life and turn you into their personal free babysitter, maid, bank, concubine, etc.  In other words, the family be.atch.  That’s all I’m going to say.  Family's be.atch from the year 1920 or independent woman from the year 2020?  It's up to you.  

TheAccidentalSM's picture

Every time your DH tries to get you to look after his child say "That doesn't work for me".  Don't have a discussion or arguement.  Just stick to your position.

He and BM will have to figure out what to do.

I've been with my DH for nearly 20 years and I think I looked after my 3 SS once for 1/2 hour in all that time. 

The child is there to see their parent not you.

Chelseybychelsey's picture

Do you work from home? I'm just curious how your baby sitting and paying the bills.

I hope you can find enough strength to stand up for yourself and your kid.