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How to deal??

sonshine4me7's picture

:? I struggle on how to deal with issues from two different exes. My husband has 3 children from his first marriage. They are 18, 16, and 11. While I was dating my husband, the children would come over and visit with their dad on his weekends. Their mother was nice to me at that time too. They lived a little over an hour away too. Well, after my husband and I married, the children stopped coming over, and now their mom tells them what a deadbeat dad there dad is. She has even went as far as to tell them that she wished my husband and I would drop dead. My husband pays his childsupport every month like it is ordered, and helps anyway he can. We make sure that we get them what they want for birthdays and Christmas. His oldest son graduated this past school year. He never got an invitation to the graduation, nor any photos. He was will to help pay for all of them, but the ex will not let him know anything going on with the children. The children have been so brainwashed, that they keep things from their dad. If he did not call them, then he would never hear from them. Half the time they do not even answer the phone either. I had to call the school to get the information on the graduation. We went to graduation, and I was told my his ex's mom that I did not belong there. The children refuse to come see their father and have anything to do with him. I have done everything I can to be nice to them, and even make sure that my husband keeps contact with them. This is so heartbreaking, but there is nothing I can do.

The second ex, in which he has a 9 yr. old by is just plain crazy! She thinks that she has to be in control of everything. She calls my husband at work just to chat about things that are not of importance. My husband has already told her not to call him unless it is an emergency at work. She does anyway. She told my husand that I am never to call or text her, but it is ok for her to call or text me when she feels like it. We make plans on the days that we have his daughter, and she will come up with a reason as to why we can't get her. She tells her daughter that I don't want her and her dad to be friends and that she has to keep a lawyer on hand because of me. When things don't go her way, she threatens to take my husband to court. She has been divorced from my husband over five years. They were divorced a year before I meant my husband. Last year, she wanted something out of the attic she said she forgot. My husband gave it to her. Well this year, she thought of something else at the house she wanted, and I told my husband no. It was a planter hanging on our back wall. It has been there the whole time, but now she wants it back. I told my husband that we are not giving her anything else out of our house because she wants it. She threatened to take him to court and take away his visitations and for more money just because we would not give her the planter. She is absolutely crazy! She tells her daughter that she can have, or do what ever she wants and whenever she wants. Well, that is not how it works at our house. She told my husband that our rules should be exactly the same as hers. I also put my foot down and told him that she does not run our house! She chose to cheat on my husband and leave him for another man. She married the other man, then he left her and she wanted my husband back. Four months later she met another guy and married him six months later, but still tries to reap havick on my marriage.

She is a huge thorn in my side. She is nice to me, then she is totally opposite! I am beginning to think she is bipolar. She has major mood swings. She tells lies, and has ways to make others believe her. She is so manipulative and tries to use their daugther to get her way with my husband. I love my stepdaughter, and do a lot with her when she is over. She is over quite often. Her mother will call and ask if we will take her for a little while. Even on her time. When my stepdaughter is with her mom, she is left at home with her older sister, or left to roam around the neighborhood. My stepdaugther says that her mother doesn't do a lot with her, and that is one reason she loves coming to our house.

I am so tired of his 2nd ex. She lives about 5 minutes away. She is always crossing boundaries to try to cause problems, and generally does. My husband doesn't always stand up to her. He doesn't want to go to court, so he tries to keep peace. Peace is driving me crazy when it comes to her. I want to make plans, and run my own household without her having her say so in it. She can run her own, but needs to stay out of mine!!!!



Dee015's picture

Whoa Sonshine,why must we always get stuck with the shit from another person's past?? I get so upset when DHs cannot handle thei BMs.It si so very frustrating to be where you are,but i fully agree DH needas to set and keep the boundaries with BM2.Her behaviour is simply not on.Hope he will be firm with her and not allow her to intervene in the way you run your house.Be strong!!!!

giveitago's picture

Well, I have 2 BM's too. One is more than welcome at our house, along with her whole family, and we can all have dinner together. The other one, however, had best NEVER set foot on our property again. BM2 is totally deranged!
I agree that it all changes after we marry, actually for us it started the second BM2 got that DH and I were going to be together. PAS started in earnest from her, I do not blame the kids for that because she is very manipulative and they did not want to bite the hand that fed them (so to speak) so I let a lot of it go. Because I let it go SD would feel much better and she'd tell me that her mom said to call me X,Y or Z and I'd say something along the lines of 'how original!' and we'd chuckle and go about our business.
It took the longest time for DH to see what I could see, I was on the outside looking in so I could see more clearly what was going on. PAS is child abuse in my opinion, which is the main reason I would not dignify it.
DH gets it, he was just in denial.

herewegoagain's picture

Ah, so freaking typical of these crazy BMs. I went through that crap and finally, well, we just don't talk. Sadly, these mothers are more concerned with power and getting their kids on their side than with the well being of their kids.

I think you need to not worry about the kid anymore. If you make plans and the kid is not there, well, go ahead with your plans. Next time you see the kid, let them know what they missed out on so that they understand it is NOT because of you, but because of their crazy BM. I know many think this is unfair, but the fact is that if you don't, the BM WILL win this one and the kids will never understand that it was NOT you and your husband who stopped them from being a part of your family but rather their BM.

Otherwise, go on with your life and don't worry about any of them.

hereiam's picture

These crazy BM's think they have all the power with the court and visitation thing. Nobody likes going to court but the fact of the matter is, there is only so much they can really do. Child Support is a numbers game. She cannot get more money just because she wants it. Take away his visitation? On what grounds? No judge is going to take away a father's visitation just because.

Except for certain circumstances, like a full fledged custody battle or an unfit parent, it is pretty cut and dry, especially if a CO is already in place. At least, in my experience and we have 2 ex-wives.

My husband's 2nd ex-wife loved to sue people but other than the divorce, my husband was in court with her one time and that was when HE sued HER for contempt. The last time she tried for a standard modification of CS, which can be done at no cost to her every 3 years, she was denied because it was not a 20% difference (this did not even involve going to court, just paperwork). Man, was she pissed.

I researched everything having to do with CS and visitation, etc. in my state so we would be prepared. The bottom line was, she did not have the power she wanted him to believe.