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pom in aus blog - evil stepmother tales of woe

smurf99's picture

so i guess i should blog because thats the done thing.

history takes me only back 18months when i met my partner (dh) ok we are not married but who cares right now.

I have a biological son who is 6 and i share 50/50 custody with my ex. We get on quite well , hes remarrying this year and my sons sm is lovely. We chat regularly and bs really likes her, we have no communication issues, contact is regular and consistant and we can both be flexible, we have no formal court order as non is needed.

dh ok bf lol,- ss16 ans sd 8. When i met dh bm they were seperated and i was unsure. bm is now in a relationship with a woman and she was quite controlling. Dh and bm had no formal arrangement re contact. Bm controlled situation basically, contact was whenever she felt like it.

So in i pop, you cant do that to kids they need consistency. Bm would go 3-4 weeks no contact. SD8 very needy and clingy as a result. Bm was living at gfs house and said this was why she couldnt have more contact (bs). finally i persuaded dh to go to a lawyer who sai we could do nothing, the law couldnt force her to parent but he could stop contact and then she needed to apply for contact ( he wouldnt do it being a weak arse). So bm ruled our time for over a yr. Then i think ss16 was pouting in her ear about my bs6 contact arrangements. She rings spouting how they could do the same except dh would have to pay her deliquent mother to mingd the childre-- big fat no. Now they reached a compromise, 2 nights a fortnight a one week of school hols - finally dh and i get regular time together!!!!!

Except things have got worse since the regular contact, the kids are more bratty, spoilt arseholes. BM and them engage in regular discussions about their life here ( we dont talk about their bm unless its positive) mainly negative about me (sd8 has told me regularly). ss16 plays us all off against each other made worse by bm and h's lack of communication for a while, gf of bm would interfere and argue in background. I have never really engaged with bm since nasty email regarding me thinking im a better mum etc lol.


VioletsareBlue's picture

Me too!