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Mom's Pipe Dream Up In Smoke

Smomof3's picture

Well, the BM's pipe dream job of celebrity auctions has fallen though in less than a month. Our response to SD14 and SS13 is, "Wow, that's too bad. Things that sound to good to be true usually are!".

My SD14 actually asked if we could help her BM out with some food or money. I explained that it wasn't going to happen pretty bluntly, so I won't be asked again.

We support both kids with no support from her whatsoever. At what point will the kids understand that we have no obligation to her other than knowing how she impacts the kids? This has gone on for years, at one point she asked to borrow one of our cars and then couldn't understand why I said no. Her response was that it was in DH name and he needed to answer her, he said no too. Another time the BM's mother called and asked how I could buy DH a guitar when BM didn't have fuel for her propane tank to heat the house...I responded that the kids could just stay with us we had heat.

Does anyone else go through this with an ex?


stepmom22boys's picture

Absolutely. SS12 thinks we should jump at the chance to help his BM with money, borrowing cars, etc. :sick: It's so bad here that BM has him convinced that I should pay her child support to help support the boys because I am married the their father. :jawdrop:

steptwins's picture

All the time. Repeatedly. I'm told DH does it, swins insist on it because "she's their mother". gag gag gag. I'd love to response, "she certainly doesn't act like a mother". Now DH is almost out of money and I love to suggest, maybe BM will give us a handout like you did for her. Not a snowball chance in hell she gives him a penny. She feels owed-for-life for her birthspawns.

smdh's picture

McCrazy tried exactly one time to get dh to pay for car repairs. He almost fell for the "you don't want me driving OUR daughter around in the car when it needs work, do you" argument. I told him that if he gave her one penny more than the ridiclous court ordered amount he was giving her, he can move his ass right back in with her because I would be done. WTF? We can't go to our boss (for whom we actually do WORK for our money) and ask for more when we have unexpected expenses, why the hell should these low lifes get "extra" money just because they can't budget?

bearcub25's picture

SS kept calling SO last weekend asking for money for this and for that, or he wanted his gift cards from Christmas that he had already spent. Found out that BM's nephew bday was last weekend and they didn't have money for a they let SS call my SO, that is no relation to the nephew to ask for money.

Everyone must have gotten their social security and disability checks b/c they had a party this weekend.

Smomof3's picture

I made jam this weekend and my SD14 wanted to give some to her BM. I told her she could make her own jam. I thought DH was going to fall out of his chair laughing...I guess my tone was mean.

We've had all fo the above just about. At one time the kids even asked us to buy a gift for their BM's live in girlfiend's birthday.

My husband's ex-MIL has pointed out numerous times that I should be paying for this or that. I explained that my income, no matter how large (which it isn't) isn't factored into child support. She then told me we lived in a nicer house...duh it was mine before we met along with all the stuff in it. They lived in a rathole while they were married because she gave $300/wk to the church and spent another $300/wk on drugs...yeah she's a piece of work.