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Easter and older SKIds

SMKarma's picture

Since all my skids were little, I always bought them their Easter stuff. (been around 25 plus yrs.) We had them every Easter until 3 yrs prior to incident
When they got to be 16-19, I just bought them each 1lb Solid bunnies and we stop by and stay 5 mins outside tops. (BM and DH had a phone fight 2 weeks prior about BM pretending to be another woman to get in between us. One SD misheard something DH said and BM freaked). Well 4 yrs ago we were driving there to give them the chocolate and we drive down there and BM decided it would be a good idea to have SS come out and say to DH “BM said if you are still here when SF comes out he is going to kick you’re a** I said to DH, let’s just go the kids (skids and Biokids) do not need to see this (BS and DD were in the car). I handed the bad to SS and we left.

Here is what BM writes on FB ……”DH and SM do not care about you or your kids, if they did they wouldn’t care who was in their way, I would never let anyone keep me from my kids or grandkids. You think that DH would even spend a dollar on his gkids? No they can’t because SM wants DH to himself and their kids.” real story is I do not need the drama of BM trying to make SF all big and bad. She blew it for them, she threatened DH. I am done since I am not “their grandmother and never will be” no one kids thinks BM did anything wrong.


Most Evil's picture

Hi,well these freaks can say or write whatever they want. People who care about you will ask you what happened, so you can defend yourself ... Or they may feel it is too stupid to pursue, because it is.!!

So don't sweat it!!! And, it is time that their Easter gift days are over. Little punk!! Sad