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SD23 At MIL's house for Xmas Eve

SmelltheRoses's picture

My SD23 brought her drama to our holiday when she decided to skip her in laws Xmas Eve get together. The guy she is now living with for a year, the father of her twins goes along with her like her puppet. She said the other day to my MIL that he liked being bossed around. So SD23 shows up to my MIL' s house and despite her being a young adult with 3 kids, she wanted to talk about how it was when she was a little girl and coming to grandma's.  She got on a toy with wheels my DH and ex wife had gotten her when she was a toddler which of course my MIL brought it up.  I've heard the same stories over and over for almost 13 years.  My SIL made jokes about how dramatic she was.  But everyone seems to go along with her narcissistic behavior and feed the monster. Am I wrong for feeling this way? I am so glad I don't go that often to my MIL's house anymore because her house is too small. I love my DH but I don't want to go anymore with his family on holidays!! However, the only thing that my DH and MIL don't like about my SD23 is that she is saying that my DH is spoiling her son who is 4.  Her narcissism is showing up in how she treats them. Yet noone tells her to stop acting like a child and start acting like a grown adult who has 3 kids!!


momjeans's picture

She sounds extremely emotionally insecure.

Combine that with being a mother herself - to three kids - at her young age AND being surrounded by a bunch of enablers, well... 

Have you considered disengaging? 

SmelltheRoses's picture

Yes it must be she is emotionally insecure.  She puts on a big show around people. I have wanted to disengage for some time. It is emotionally draining for me. I did one year and should have continued to do so. At times I think my SD23 does it on purpose to cause problems between us.  My MIL is all about the grandchildren liking her and does not support having a strong marriage.  

Harry's picture

Bring up the ex. Her mother.  Showing you she is better then you.  Having MIL take sides to also disrespect you 

SmelltheRoses's picture

Yes I agree!! Why bring up the past all the time, they have been divorced for 20 years now! I dread going because it's always the same thing. I want to start my one Xmas tradition even if I don't have kids of my own.  I'm ready to live in the present and look forward to the future.