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taking Sd12 to the hospital

Smellissa's picture

Last Monday, FIL passed away. It's been really hard on both SDs. SD12 has just been unable to handle it and has been having melt down after
melt down (yelling, throwing things, etc).

Today, she had a melt down while SD15's therapist was there. Therapist looked me in the eyes and told me I can't let this continue. She convinced me to call the police. Sad SD12 held it together until the police left. Then she had another melt down.

We all sat with therapist until SD12 was able to tell me she thinks she needs help. She's scared of how she's feeling. So, we're headed to the local children's hospital.

Pray for us. I'll blog more later.


learningallthetime's picture

*Hugs* you have been incredibly strong in a situation I cannot even imagine, and still your heart and strength are shining through. Those girls are lucky to have you, and SD12 admitting there is a problem is a huge step in the right direction. Those poor kids, thank the Lord they have you.

BarkAtTheMoon's picture

As much as these Skids drive us crazy, they need us. It's nice to see you being strong for her. Her world must be falling apart. Praying for you tonight.

~ Moon