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I really wish Satan would die!!!

Smellissa's picture

Sd12 came to me today, crying, and said "Mom, will you ever leave me?" That took me so by surprise, you can't imagine.

I was as honest with her as I could be, and I said "Well, we all have to die sometime. So, I imagine when I am old and grey, and I have had lots of time to play with the grandchildren you give me, I will have to leave you."

Her crying got harder and she said "But my real mom left me! And Nana gave me away."

I made her stop and look at me. I asked her "Have you ever known anyone to fight as hard for anything as I've fought for you? You haven't, and that's not counting my own demons that you don't even know! I've fought way to hard for you and your sister to just give you away!"

Then, I held her, while she cried and I silently plotted the death of Satan and Satan's Mother!

I really feel like I have won the Life Lottery, even if I never win the State Lottery. However, if it weren't greedy to ask for more, I'd ask that Satan be hit by a car crossing the road, ripped apart by rabid geese, or even die peacefully in her sleep, so the girls never have to know that she suffered in any way.

It's sad when someone is messed up to the point that the best thing they can do for their children is die, so the kids don't have to wonder why their parent isn't there for them! I know that sounds harsh, but that's how I feel about Satan.


svillemomof4's picture

They are blessed to have you. Hopefully as the years go on, with your love and support, she will begin to heal and this will be a distant memory. As a child who was pushed aside by my own BD, I know this to be true. What he did to me haunts me no longer, I hope the same for your girls!