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Ive left 8(

SLTJ's picture

I decided this weekend that I couldn't face a future with my SD in it and my husband unable to give me needed support, so Ive left. I am lucky as I am financially independent. I have at times like most people on here questioned my motives, my heart, wether I am going crazy, a bad evil person but I now think I have three amazing children who I have brought up to be loving, kind and respectful, so no its not me and I need to stop wishing for things to be different because they never will be. I am very sad as I do love my husband but as I have tried to explain to him there is a separateness to our lives that I have the right to either cope with or not and I have chosen not too.My future would definitely be one of me with my children grandchildren, him too guilty to be a part of it, and him with his children and GC and for me its not a happy future. Too many situations to face and be hurt with.
So I'm living in rural France on my own! Feeling up and down but I feel we can be great friends in the future and I will be sure to constantly let him see what she has taken from him.


savemysanity's picture

Support is the key. If DH can't give it to you, then I agree, it probably won't work. Did the two of you try counselling?

SLTJ's picture

Yes we went to relate years ago and recently I have been going for counseling. I was sat their thinking why is it ME thats in counseling why isnt she or him!Why am I the one looking for ways to cope with this and try to change myself when its not me thats got a problem.

DaizyDuke's picture

OMG.. this word for word is how I've been feeling! Ever since SD15 moved in with us 6 months ago, I feel like second best.. at best! DH is disabled and always in pain.. has NEVER taken BS3 to the park, never been to one of my races (running), never does anything with me (hates spending money going out to eat, movies etc)and I have always understood, because I know he doesn't feel well 95% of the time. BUT he can go at least 2 nights a week and sit and watch SD15 volleyball games, took SD15 and SS14 out to lunch and shopping on Sunday and never even asked if I wanted to go (I would have said no, but it's the point that he never even offered) and didn't offer to take BS3, Oh and then I think felt guilty so brought me home some leftover Fettuccini from their dinner... I HATE Fettuccini! WTF? SD15 seriously texts DH non stop every freaking night back and forth about stupid shit, so the time I DO get to actually sit and chat with my DH is interrupted by his stupid phone pinging because SD is texting him from her room.

I feel like he has a new girlfriend all of the sudden and I seriously feel like the insignificant other now. I keep hoping that it will slow down, that's it's just the "honeymoon" phase since SD just recently moved in.. but I'm scared that it is just going to keep getting worse. I've tried talking to him about it and he basically thinks I'm a loon, that he's just trying to be a good dad and spend time with his daughter, blah blah blah. Sad

itsmylifetoo's picture

^^^^^THIS IS IT!!! I just posted a comment like this on Moz's individual whose children are "their world" is typically enmeshed, and unhealthy. Kids grow up and leave, or are supposed to...our partners are supposed to be there for life! I grew up with my dad telling us "I love you and your brother very much, but wow! do I love your mother, I chose her as my life partner, if she isn't my priority, our family falls apart." AND IT'S TRUE! I am tired of hearing from people that their children are their world! I would do anything for my children...I love them with all of my heart...but they are NOT here to fill my emotional needs....they are here to learn, grow, and effectively contribute to our society...have babies...and they cycle continues....I need to love them, instill positive thinking and problem solving, help them learn how to be independent. Being CODEPENDENT is quite the opposite...

SLTJ's picture

My children are 24 and 22 and both have seen whats happened and altho they do love him they also fully support me and want to see my happy without this constant struggle. I genuinely think it could make you ill the inner turmoil its caused and they have seen that. My children are amazing.

thinkthrice's picture

SMART woman!! Had I known then what I know now I would never in a MILLION, TRILLION years do it over again!!! Rural France. . . LOVELY! May I join you? It's probably best to pass on the "friends" thing with stb ex-husband.

After all if one is not mature enough to parent and see that parenting is in the best interests of his child, then he is not mature enough to be friends with a woman who IS mature enough to see that parenting one's children (not placating or befriending them) is the ONLY answer. Such men do not love their children; they fear their children. And who wants to live with a man who is full of fear and no love?

SLTJ's picture

I have a hard journey ahead because I am full of resentment because we could have had a lovely life together. There comes a point where you cant have that level of nastiness aimed at you no matter how much you love them The fact he didn't step in when she banned me from the island she was getting married on gave me an insight into how he will deal with her now she is going to be a mum to his first grandchild. She will use that as a weapon I'm sure and I had to face that he wasn't emotionally equipped to cope with it. Even if she had said in a nice way that she didn't feel comfortable me being on the island and asked for understanding i would have accepted it but the vile nasty way she did it shocked even me and for him not to turn around and say so left me full of resentment that ive not been able to shake off.I feel so sad for him hes in bits but i do think wow did you really not see this coming!

savemysanity's picture

OHHH!!! I remember your story now! I'm so sorry. SKs can really tear our lives apart. He will be sorry, one day, when his kids are so wrapped up in their own lives and have no need for him, and he's all alone.

SLTJ's picture

Hes at home. I guess that sounds terrible. Im actually not of the opinion that a woman has the right to the family house child etc if I want to leave I leave but I promise my son is fine. All my children are well rounded happy loving individuals and I am very honest with them. Our house in France has a heated swimming pol, music room, games room bla bla and im in a rented cottage without TV, you really think he would be happier here? But the lovely thing is he and my husband are amazingly close hes 13 but a young 13 and is adorable and very close to his dad. I had him 9 weeks early he was only 3 lbs due to eclampsia, lost my eyes sight, kidney failure it was awful and didnt see him for 5 days as he and I were both in intensive care (different ones) and genuinely nearly died and it was a difficult time and I admit my husband took over and bonded far quicker than i did. My first thought was for my own older two children who nearly lost their mother. Ive seen him ever day and he knows just where i am and that he has both his parents. Thats the difficult thing my husband is THE most amazing father to him hes sort of tried to make up for all the mistakes ie working to much, lack of parental interest he made with his daughters and my son is a lucky boy as he really does have the best dad ever. I dont hate my husband i wish i did this would be alot easier. I have seen the pain and upset hes been through with his daughters and Im so happy for him he has a lovely son. My friends and family probably think like you that Im being too kind and should fight for him but I have no need. My husband is a kind gentle man but unfortunately a little to kind and a little to soft and doesn't like to upset anybody hence the situation I am in now.

Bojangles's picture

So sorry you have had to make this decision. I admire your fairness and generosity of spirit with regard to your sons living arrangements. But because you have a son together it may still be hard to keep the tentacles of SD at bay. Will your son be attending the wedding from which you were excluded? And have you thought about how will you feel when she brings the prodigal grandchild to stay with your ex and son and your son forms a relationship with the child? Does your son know what has caused the split?

SLTJ's picture

Yes I must admit I had a little wobble and thought OMG if he meets somebody my son will have a step mum!But my other children's father and I have always had a good relationship. Im not a particularly fiery character and cant hold grudges very long im a bit soft really and always try to make amends. My husband is lovely and he does love me and I trust him to look after me as he really appreciates that Ive not tried to take my son. Re the SD its not really about her in some ways its about being with somebody that allows you to be treated badly its just eeked away at my love and respect for him. I likened it to those building blocks toddlers have, you keep building a tower but you know they're going to knock it down and eventually you cant be bothered to rebuild it and thats how Ive been feeling for months. I lost something the minute he didn't stick up for me and say about the wedding. He wanted to sit on the fence not making a decision and all the time i was waiting for him to make the right one which obv i felt was to say thats unacceptable. Seriously if she had done the conversation asking for understanding for her feelings or even her mum I genuinely would have accepted it. But it was the nastyness and way she did it and I just thought OMG shes enjoying this! And now shes having a baby she will enjoy watching me sidelined and kept out and I know other people can obviously cope with that but I just cant.

SLTJ's picture

She didn't invite my son either but no doubt she will now. He's the sweetest boy ever he hasn't one bad bone or thought in his body and that again showed me just what shes capable of.
Would like to add when i left last time (four months ago) his daughters regularly text phoned him etc but since i came back and he texted them to say how happy he was they havent said oh thats great dad or kept in touch. I just think hes a complete idiot to have let out family dissolve for people who obviously don't have his happiness or best interests at heart! He could have had a lovely family life with me and my other children who altho they're not massively close to him, for me they have always been lovely with him. My daughter even made him a memory book last Xmas as she felt sorry for him how his own daughters treat him and she wanted to make him feel good that she had happy memories of him. I knew he would hate that and feel riddled with guilt and I so wanted to tell her dont give it to him but obviously it was really sweet. She did give it to him. I could see the look of terror on his face, he thanked her put it in a drawer and I bet hes never looked again. Hes so riddled with guilt that his kids are horrible he cant let himself bond with mine.