I am not an alarm clock
SO needs to learn that. Not only do I just get on the door for my long ass commute in the morning, but if I cant get his grumpy ass up I am late. He claims an alarm clock doesn't wake him but um he has only slept in the room with the alarm clock 4 times since I got my newish job in sept and had the earlier wake up time. Catch is if he doesnt get up then SD5 doesnt get on the bus and got to school. The poor kid has already missed two months of kindergarten. He has already gotten trauncy papers. He also is the biggest asshat in the morning when I try to wake him. Literally a huge jerk. And of course this morning he was sleepign in the skids room so its not like i could really wake him without accidently waking them at 530, and 545 and 550 and then 6 when i left. My guess is that SD5 didnt make it to school again...
He is up all night watching movies and tv and playing those STUPID facebook games. He spends most days and nights playing. He is always on the computer, he goes right to it. Then half the time i can never get his attention to talk about anything important.
My doctor wants me to see a psych about meds because he adn I both feel I need them for how depressed and moody I have been getting. Does SO even notice or remotley remember? Nope, he didnt even read the message of me reminding him I had an appointment because his friends in that game were just way too important.
If he would just turn it off and go to bed like a normal person adn not sleep all day then I have a strong feeling all our issues would go away....
Ah thank you, much better.
No, he was laid off back in
No, he was laid off back in August and around where we live it's almost impossible if you dont have a vehicle, which unfortunately he doesn't. We had to get rid of it because it was deemed undriveable and would have cost more then triple to get it fixed.
i had an ex a lot like this.
i had an ex a lot like this. we didn't even live together. he worked 3rd shift and claimed an alarm wasn't enough to wake him, so he wanted me to come over every night to get him up. he pretty much demanded it, and implied that if i didn't do it and he didn't make it to work and lost his job, i would be responsible. being young and stupid, i did as he asked. when i would get there to wake him up, he was a total bastard to me about it. got really shitty because i was...waking him up. exactly what he asked me to do. i would get yelled and bitched at for it, even though it is exactly what he told me to do, and i wasted my time and gas going over there every night to do it. but if i hadn't done it, you can bet i would have paid hell for it.
i'm so glad i finally got rid of him. that's one person who's obituary would make me smile. }:)