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What is with the freaking lying?

SisterNeko's picture

Update on yesterday's post about BM wanting to cancel ss4 doc appt. due to poor road conditions. And posting the question is it wrong that I want to call BM and tell her that we know she lied?

So if you don't follow my posts, BM called yesterday morning at 5 AM to tell FDH that she wanted to cancel ss4 doc appt which was the next day because it had snowed that night. FDH had told her on Sunday that he couldn't go because he had to work but ask her yesterday not to cancel, to wait and see if the roads got better.

She called FDH later that day and told him that THEY called her to cancel the Appt because they had docs that couldn't get in to work. Keep in mind that this place is like an hour away from us and it didn't even snow there. So FDH and I had a pretty good feeling that it was a lie.

BM called today to tell him that they rescheduled it for 'this date' and FDH said okay, then he called the doc office and played dumb, he asked how ss4 doc appt was. lol. They told him that the 'patient' reschedule it. He told them again who he was and asked if they had his number (again) they did not - he just gave it to them like a 3 days ago, he asked they way they didn't call to tell him when the new appt was, they didn't have an answer. More or less he told them - I am the father and the mother doesn't tell me shit, so would you please keep me in the loop. Smile

My theory is BM doesn't like it when FDH is mad at her - which is pointless because he hates her but in her mind he loves her. Any way so by lying she could blame them, and then FDH got snipped she even said "don't be mad at me".

I asked FDH if she thought he was stupid or something, he said maybe but in reality she just thinks she is that smart. But her lying aren't even good/cleaver ones! Geeze if you are going to lie at least do it right - j/k

Now I can't explain why but I really think FDH needs to some how tell BM that he knows she lied. Is that wrong? I just don't want her to think that she got away with it.

And FDh will try to make it to the next one - he always does but his schedule is odd. This isn't the first time BM has tried to reschedule doc stuff when FDH says he can't go, I think it's because she can't handle the kids and it makes her look bad to go by herself.

Oh and BM told FDH that she was at work today. I am sorry but if the roads are safe enough for her to take SS4 to day care (which is down a long country road) and then go to wok on the other side of town, then she could have taken him to his appt.


Ommy's picture

have him send a text saying hey the doctor just called saying that they wanted to inform me of the new app time that was set up by the other parent. I thought that the doctors weren't in?

SisterNeko's picture

I told him to txt her! but he said he wanted to see the look on her face and then watch her stutter and say some new lie.

I still say txt!

SisterNeko's picture

I know right? She blames everything on something or someone else. Seriously just say that she needs/wants FDH to go. Maybe I am wrong but when I was growing up my mom took me to all my doc appts. by herself because my dad had to work and then she called him if there was a choice to be made or they talked about it when we got home. I know divorce changes that but according to FDH that was one of BM's 'complaints' when they were going through the divorce, and I think it was because she was already having issues with ss4 and the doctors visits.

Here is a question - I know we are asking a lot of the doc offices - and I read that in most divorces some one is listed/appointed as Primary. As far as I can see their CO doesn't appoint one, so maybe BM has assumed that role. If we can prove them she lies and 'forgets' to tell us stuff can we request FDH to be officially appointed Primary? Because we tell BM EVERYTHING.

just a thought - I may post that separate too to get feed back.

SisterNeko's picture

Who knew being divorce with kids was so much freakin' work? The fact checking and 'baby sitting' BM and her odd behavior is a full time job.