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Do you ever wonder if other people notice?

SisterNeko's picture

We have sKids EOW, and of course we can't control what/how BM does things on her weeks but on our weeks its one way and her another, right down to what they wear. We have our own sets of rules, clothes, toys, ect. It hit me Sunday as an interesting question - I see a big difference week to week but do other people, like teachers, docs, ect - any one that sees they regularly? I mean it's not criminal or anything but... you know it's different.

It hit me Sunday after we gave the boys a bath - full service, hair washed with REAL shampoo, body wash, nails trimmed, hair brushed, the works. BM doesn't do any of that, just tosses them in with toys to soak. Their breath stunk so I made them brush their teeth when they got there and again before bed. I tossed the awful clothes that she sent them in to the wash, nothing that fits them all of it was too big or too small. (seriously she dresses them like they are retarded).

Monday morning, I cleaned the toys and candy out of their school bags. I got OUR coats and snow pants out of the closet and laid them out. I switched the hats and gloves with ones they were CLEAN. I get out the nice shoes. Made them brushed their teeth AGAIN. I pack a lunch - and I mean PACK so SS6 can find something to eat in there and won't come home 'starving'. And lastly I put them on the Buses.

Now I get on the school website sometimes and they post class photos or things get sent home, I can tell by looking whose week it was but it got me to thinking - do the teachers notice? They do comment from time to time, one teacher told BM last year when SS4 threw a fit that he never did that when I dropped him off and when she sent a note home that said it was okay to send toys with SS4 to school if he made him happy, FDH replied that he didn't need toys at school, one other teacher sent a note home saying NO toys in class.

And I do want to touch more on the clothes and stuff. I know that we shouldn't need two coats but let me tell you why we have 2 sets of some things. See BM back when FDH and I first got serious bought EVERYTHING for the kids and then whined about it (she is a control freak) so we started 'helping' but whenever we did buy something 9 times out of 10 BM just replaces it and we never see the item we bought again. And most times we don't like what she replaces it with, so now we still buy things but when she 'replaces' it we request the item to be returned (which now she does automatically) and we use it just at our house. I know that I shouldn't care what the kids wear but sometimes it is embracing, what she puts on them to the point where if FDH and I have plans with the kids and have to pick them up from BM's house we bring a change of clothes. She dresses them like they are babies (they are 4 and 6) with slip on shoes - that look like slip on shoes - and elastic bands in all their pants, loud shirts with baby animals or something ugly, nothing that fits of course, usually it's too small/short but sometimes it way too big. I finally put I foot down and said I am not taking them in public looking like that because people will think that I dressed them Smile

I was just wondering if any one noticed - I would so love to know what they think when it does dawn on them. Smile And I am pretty sure that BM knows because she has picked the kids up a few times from our house for something, if she is bringing them back the same day sometimes I forget and I send them with 'OUR' stuff.


pixiedust10's picture

I'm sure they notice but probably can't say much unless it's something that is severe enough to affect the kids safety you know?

DS and DD's instructors HAVE to notice. Everything smells like smoke when they go to school from dad's Thursday mornings bc the grown ups do it inside.

SS's come to us looking like...just awful! I know it's terrible to say, but dang...pants always too short, hair unbrushed, shirts looking like they barely cleared making it to a thift store for 50 cents (and I shop thrift/consignment stores religiously and love them but you KWIM)'s terrible. We actually have clothes we keep at our house for them, and shoes, and I took the time to make a pile of clothes that can go back to BM, that are certainly not fancy but at least fit correctly and aren't hanging by thread due to age.

SisterNeko's picture

Yeah I know they can't really do anything unless it a serious health issue. I was just wondering if they maybe thought to themselves WTF? hehe I know I do.

Last week when we sent them back we made the boys (again 4 and 6) switch socks, because the ones SS4 had on were BIGGER than the ones she had sent SS6 in - but they are his favs cuz they are spiderman. Seriously buy new spiderman socks BM!

I also tossed out all of BM's baby clothes (not sure why but she kept them after she had her tubes tied and then left them at FDH's when she moved out) I started to sort them for a yard sale but they were dirty, smelly, and just nasty. I kept a handful of things that had NEVER been worn and gave them to a friend. NOW FDH and I are planning to have a baby - next year - and I have no regrets about tossing everything. Smile

Auteur's picture

We had the skids either EVERY weekend or EOW so the Behemoth got all the credit for their nails being trimmed (the two boys had CLAWS literally all filthy, disgusting; VD BITES her nails just like the Behemoth) hair washed, etc.

The Behemoth would send them over filthy and in rags or brand name clothing two sizes too small (way to go CPS worker Behemoth!)

Behemoth believes that nail trimming should be done by biting and biting only. AWFUL!! And she doesn't believe in homework or out of class assignments.

SisterNeko's picture

ugh I couldn't deal with that. FDH wet round and round with BM about hair cuts. SS4 hates them and BM wouldn't take him (cause he screams) so we started shaving his head, then we starting doing SS6's too - but not as short. SS6 had really dry skin and gets 'cradle cap' so you HAVE to wash his hair. We spend the first few days getting all the 'yuck' out of his hair.

notmyfirstrodeo's picture

I guarantee they notice. We have SD7 EOW. She has very fine, curly hair that is extremely hard to control and BM dresses her like she's 2 yo. We have a whole set of clothes at our house for her and they are all age appropriate and SD7 loves them because they are stylish and trendy. I also take the time to blow dry her hair and put frizz free cream in it so that she doesn't look like a lion.

One weekend, we took her to her school for a carnival and none of the kids or teachers approached her. I was immediately concerned that she had isolated herself with her mean behavior and had absolutely no friends and that no one wanted to have anything to do with her, just like BM. What we slowly began to realize was that no one recognized her. SD7 approached one of the teachers and gave her a hug. The teacher looked down at her 2 or 3 times before she even realized who she was. With a big smile, the teacher looked at us, then her and said "Wow, you look so pretty!!"

We are also friends with a family that attends Church with BM and they have told us that SD7 acts completely different when she is with us. They said that when she is with BM, she is expected to act like an adult, a little mini-mommy and when she is with us, she actually acts like a kid.

So keep up the good parenting. It is noticed!!!