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One hockey game down.....

Shawna03's picture

First of all I wanted to thank all you guys on the feedback from my last post! I attended my SS hockey game and it went half decent. My bf's ex told him to tell me not to speak to her (very mature) I figured I would at least say hello but she never even made eye contact with me once nor did her parents. She also showed up all decked out! Skinny jeans with boots over top, nice sweater, hair all done. She looked great but slightly over dressed I thought for a 5 year olds hockey game (however this could be bitter me talking). The boys both seemed pretty happy to have me there. I got a little bit of cut eye from BM when I was playing around with the youngest but I really didn't want to act differently than I normally would if she weren't around. And I did feel a bit happy when BM's mom was holding youngest and he was asking and reaching for me. But I was polite and smiley and didn't close myself off. And soon as oldest was out of the change room he walked out with his mom and said hi to me right away. It was so awesome to see him learning to skate. I'm their bio mom but I still am very proud of everything they do. I will be going again next weekend!!!!! Wish me luck. I heard these types of things never get better, only worse!! :S


GoodbyeNormaJean's picture

It actually could get better. Eventually some rare BMs learn that it's not a contest and that they should be glad that their kids' step gives a darn if they live or die instead of treating them like Cinderella.

One can only hope.

What ever happened to hooded sweatshirts and jeans for sporting events? Maybe she's hoping to snag herself a hot hockey dad while she's there. You know, like multitasking. I wouldn't break out the lip gloss over it, but then again, I'm a big ol' bitch.