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Second summer time with SS4

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Today is the second day with SS4 and already I'm going crazy. Well DH and I always fight a lot when he is with us. Mainly because of discipline the kids. SS4 thinks he rules the house and never gets into trouble that's how it is at BM's house so he expects that here.No sir not here I have rules my BS's tend to be mean to him its just how they are I do get after them for that mainly my oldest. Well last night was the first time SS4 cried very pissed off all because he didn't get to play a game on the computer. SS4 got on and did not know how to start the game, so I told my oldest to turn it off its late so instead of turning it off he went to play a game and both of them rushed to the chair to sit and play but my oldest beat him and that's when got mad and said " I want to go to my moms house". I got mad at my oldest so what am I supposed to do when this happens and DH is at work. So I called DH and let him deal with it and then gets mad at me for doing that. I told DH what am I supposed to do. I'm not his mother I'm just like a baby sitter. Then he gets more mad because he says that's how you feel about him. I said no but I deal with him SS4 and try to treat like he is mine.SS4 does not listen to me and tells me my brother always gets in trouble. I asked SS4 do you get into trouble he said no I don't get into trouble only my brother.I have very little patience with crying even with my own sons. DH wants me to be his mom when he is here but I'm not he has a mother not a good one but he has one. DH thinks SS4 is an angel and never ever start fighting with the older boys its always DH's step sons who start it because they are older. I don't know what to do, DH works nights and sleeps during the day so everybody here is fighting for DH's attention not just SS4. I'm just venting