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It figures

secondplace's picture

Great! No skids this weekend, and of course FDH is away with "the boys" for the weekend.

Not that I expect him to choose a weekend he has his kids, but it does kinda suck.

Anyways, just wanted to vent a bit.

I finally told him that if he plans on playing poker with his buddies this winter, he can pick the odd weekend that he has the kids - it doesn't always have to be on "our" weekend, and he actually agreed! Well, we'll see how that goes.


caregiver1127's picture

If this happens once in a great while okay but if it is a once a month thing - he needs to suck it up and give up those boys weekends so much. I let DH have one long weekend a year to go play golf in NC and I get to go to New York City with the girls once a year. That's it - if I wanted to take vacations by myself or spend the weekends by myself I would have stayed single. I am lucky in that DH puts up with me and will spend all his time with me - I have girlfriends who DH's and BF's play golf or they lose them to sports but then on the flip side I took care of SS full time for 3 years and now have to put up with him 4 weeks a year so I say we are even.

I know it sucks that you can't even suggest he uses the skids weekend but then you would have to watch them alone -

secondplace's picture

Yeah, it doesn't happen much - just once a year. We do spend almost all of our time together, so I'm just missing him, that's all.

I've had the separate lives thing in other relationships, and I just don't want it to happen again.

Oh, and I wouldn't mind watching the skids for a weekend if he went. Sometimes I think I just resent them more when he's around, like we're competing for his attention.

purpledaisies's picture

I agree when we don;t have the skids dh is always planning a weekend for just us. He is so sweet. we just went to a great little tourist town near where we live for the weekend and it was just all about us. Biggrin

Maybe tell him that if he plans things for just the 2 of you sometimes than it won;t be so bad when he wants to hang with the guys.