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Court... custody hearing... not sure?!?!?

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Last month we had court - due to BM deciding to move over an hour away and pretty much not caring who got the kids - she "wasn't going to" and "couldn't afford to" fight for them and they have a say in where they live... blah blah blah..

Almost 2 months later, nothing has been resolved: no schedule, no support, nothing.. she has bailed and contributed nothing more than headaches and problems with the occasional weekend overnight visit.. where the kids are texting her at 3am wanting to know where she is and when she will be home.

Now we have round 2 of this mess. We can't afford an attorney as now having two teenage boys full time, sports and everything else has pushed our budget to the max - so DH and I are trying to learn and do all this legal stuff on our own. Fun, fun, fun..

Court is later this week.. allegedly they are going to "interview the boys" and we are allowed to bring witnesses..?

I have no clue.. seriously. The courts gave us paperwork, but it tells you very little about what to expect, prepare for.. when you call the courts, they can't tell you much because they "can't give you legal advice".. but it's not legal advice we are seeking.. just advice on what to expect.

Why is there even a hearing if the mom doesn't care?

Will we know the decision immediately - or will this drag out another 2 months until the kids are back in school..?

This all just sucks and it's a life changing event - yet we are kept in the dark for the most part..

Has anyone gone through this? Any advice on how to prepare - what to expect?