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thoughts for the day

schrob01's picture

I've never blogged before, this is all new to me. But I guess it's just like the prayer journal that i write in every day except bloggin is a public journal in which everyone can read if they choose to do so.
i have been so overwhelmed lately by everything that is going on in my home life, work has become an escape. I really MISS my own children. I miss the times that I had alone with them, before I met my husband, before we were married, before we moved into this new house & I became a stepmom. I miss my old single was peaceful.Now i'm getting ready to have another baby, but that's ok, because to me, children, my own children anyway, r like ducklings, they just follow me everywhere & do as i say. I am a disciplinarian, always have been & I run my house like the military.My father ruled my childhood home w/an iron fist. He never had to spank us because he struck the fear of God into us & we just knew to obey. i remember, he had a collection of guns & rifles, he was a sharp-shooter in the military & a gunsmith by hobby, he kept his entire gun collection in a glass case in he & my mom's bedroom & never kept it locked, but we knew were NEVER to go anywhere near that gun cabinet. And we never did because dad was a diciplinarian. don't get me wrong, he took us camping and hunting and fishing and spent a lot of time with us. He showed all of us, including us girls, how to work on cars.he owned his own trucking company & did all his own repairs & i remember climbing underneath the truck w/him to help him work on his trucks and he would explain to me the different tools, what they were used for & their names. but at the same time, dad struck the fear of God into us and we knew to obey without questioning his authority....ever. and so i grew up to be the same kind of parent and my girls they respect me & obey me. I command respect in my house by not demanding it, but disciplining my children in the ways that I know they should go. I was talking to a friend of mine yesterday and he is from the Middle East. One of his son's is going to school to be a doctor, the other son, a lawyer, and his daughter, a lawyer also. He told me that he had picked their careers for them & i've come to find that most people from other countries do. they don't give the child an option, they just tell them, you are going to school to do this! he said the problem he sees in America is that parents don't discipline their children & i believe him. we need to get back to the basics.


Abigail's picture

Seems to be a common theme around here. I had to teach DH to discipline his children-at least he wanted to learn. Skids are 500% bettter now. They were so spoiled, even their own grandma didn't want to come visit! How is that for bad???

But yes, I feel your pain. Totally miss my own life sans Skids and their crazy mother.

"Evil Stepmothers aren't born, it comes with the territory"