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Stupid rant ahead!!!

Sassy's picture

I hate her I hate her I hate her!!!!!! I texted BM yesterday morning because all the kids either lost their phones or are grounded-arrrggghhh-so I have to commuinicate with them through her skanky ass. I texted one of the boys a question yesterday, very simple yes or no, and never got a response. Fine, you wanna be a bitch, fine. So today I get a text from her wanting to know the answer to a simple question. My first instinct-my gut hurts-I hate her. Oh, so now she wants to commuinicate. Suddenly, she has a question and communication is re-opened. Fine bitch, I will be the bigger person and answer the question, but only because it has to do with one of the boys and he wants to know. So, I called her from a number she won't recognize (she wouldn't answer if it was my number) and asked her to let me speak to SS16. He says yes he got my message from her yesterday and gave her the answer, ok, I let it go, not wanting him to get caught in the middle (I just wanted to make sure she actually told him), then I answered his question-to him, not to BM. I felt like one of thse days where if I talked to her i would probably say something bad and make trouble. I don't want her being an ass while the kids are at her house. Thank goodness they will be home tonight and I can forget she exists for the next 5 days.

I know it is all dumb and I shouldn't care if she's an asshole, but I am having a stressful week and she's not helping. i have two exams tomorrow at 8am and I'm stressed.

Thanks for listening.


Angel37's picture

It was extremely rude on mom's part and I would be angry, too. I think you handled it well.

mlbltd5678's picture

You have a right to be angry. Hang in there, we all have those days! And like you said, Now you can forget about her for 5 days. I deal with the same rudeness for the day she has ss, and then once he gets back I do damage controll with ss and then forget about her for 6 days. It is the only way we can make it through sometimes. Just remember, we're all here for you. And good luck on your exams.

Sassy's picture

about the kids. I was trying to be a good arent and force her to be one. I would say hey picture day is coming, or so and so has a fieldtrip or whatever. I mean every small detail that I would want to know if I had to share custody of my bio son. Problem was, she never responded appropriately or just didn't care. I guess she figures she's done, and since I do so much with her kids, she gave up. I guess it was also a defensive move, so like the time she didn't show to my SS17 football game and tried to say I gave her the wrong date, I could say, nope here's the e-mail I sent and here are the dates and times I gave her. She could easily just call the school and find out, if she cared enough to. You know I met this kid when he was just beginning to be a sophomore in high school and I went to every single game-never missed one. I even went to some practices and told my work to shove it for away games. I thought that's what real parents did-step or not. She never showed to any games until I shoved it in her face-she even had every Friday (game day) off! I have since stopped tryng to force her to be a mom-that's not my job. It's okay though. You know what my reward was? Every year at the end of the season they have parents night where the parents get announced and go down on the field and have pictures with the players. I'll be damned if he didn't call my name (not his mom's) the last two years:) Two of my proudest days ever!!

"A parents job is to eat as much sh*t as we have to so that the children do not."

kaffonseca's picture

I just started having to deal with the same thing. If I or FH text BM she never returns the texts. But than she will text or call him or I and expect a response. I finally told FH that she is rude and if she wants to be that way I'll do it back to her. The only reason she'd be calling me anyways is to try and get my SS (whom is not her BS but my FH's from a woman before her). Don't you want to just tell her off though! ARRGGH!