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Good Lord I feel like one of the kids today!!!!!

Sassy's picture

I amy have to strangulate someone by the time this week is over. Apparently the kids all got together at some point and said, "hey, let's argue with mom/stepmom about everything today-no matter what it is." AAAARRRRGGGGHHHHH!!!!! I am in horrible pain (back) and trying my damndest to clean my house. DH and I have managed to finish the yardwork and the garage and now I'm on to the house interior. So, ok the kitchen and living rooms are okay and the family room is pretty good, but geeeeze! the boys rooms are a train wreck-afterall it ihas been 24 hours since I cleaned them right. So I tell the two little ones BS12/SS11 to make their room clean enough to be vacuumed. Also to make the beds and clean of the desk and dressers. Round two-they say they're done so I give it a quick inspection and there is still crap everywhere! So now I point out specifically what needs to be done and that if toys are still on the floor-they go in the trash (this is not a new rule-we've always done this-if ur crp is laying around-it's trash)

Now, it's 9:30 pm and the SS11 gets out of bed to ask me if he can have his toy back-the one he still left on the ground and I promptly threw away. I'm like "dude-there's no way-you knew the rules you knew what I said and that's it" So he's like well I didn't take it out...I don't care honey-you knew the rules. He goes crying (literally-he's my emotional one) to his older brother SS17 who proceeds to tell me it's not fair because he didn't take it out. Good God man! Ok so now I tell him the whole story (which I don't need to since I am the parent here) and he's like okay whatever. So the SS11 went crying off to bed. OOOhhhhh my DH was gonna kick SS17 in the butt! I reassured him that he actually wasn't a smart ass this time, he was just defending his bro against the evil step-mom.

How rediculous-this shit went on all day long-with all of my kids step and bio-Lord help me I'm gonna kill 'em. It was so fabulous finally raising my voice and yelling (I try not to most days) to the whole clan (and the neighborhood) that I am the parent and how dare they disrespect me and what I say goes-no questions! They all stayed in their rooms for the rest of the night and hey, I got two chapters of my nursing book read.

I can't wait til BM gets the whole story and tries to call me on it-Lord grant me the patience...