back by popular demand FH jackass bioson
So after we dump the brats off at EW on Xmas eve we had a wonderful 25 and mostly 26th. However of course EW and her now golden child (the one she kicked out at 12) decide to attack FH on the eve of 26th.
It is weekend for his kids (yippe skippee) and since EW had kids in another part of the state, it was understood by BD and FH that Bozo would drop them off at our place. So around 8pm BD calls and wants to know when he is coming to get them. wha?? FH says no I thought your mom was dropping you off, BD says oops no. so FH says that EW needs to meet at the usual spot for drop offs, (you know where this is going right)and EW says no that FH needs to come and get them from her house. So EW gets on the phone and starts yelling that she is home for the night and does not want to go back out and why cant he come get them since he sometimes does on Fridays, (only since we are out on date night he does it as a good will gesture) he said NO he was in for the night too and he would meet half way and she said no so FH said fine if I have to come and get them tonight then you will have to come get them on Sunday from our house OH no that went over like a lead balloon, so in her wisdow she puts Jackass son on the phone, (they have become fast friends I guess since we put him out- super mom to the rescue) and he calls FH a bitch and I said to FH DO NOT hold a conversation with that kid,(it gives that kid power when FH argues with him like BS is man of the house ya know) but why listen to me??? what do I know SSSOO -FH and his ignorant son yell for a few minutes more I hear from FH side well we are home too and I do it as a favor to her whatever -then FH is done and tells BS to put BD on the phone and then it was decided that BS would meet us halfway.
the exchange went fine and I am thinking that it will be a very LOOOONG time before I have to deal with the soon to be ex con stepson woohoo!
I even wonder if he will have this kid in our wedding, I will however have to make it know I would NOT want him there. he is an angry angry kid and is only happy when he is hurting others.
thanks for listening yall!
- sarahbernheart's blog
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Quid pro quo....
Something for something. It's just not in some peoples dynamic. They will always be a charity case in a sense and will never appreciate anything handed to them.
FH has to do his good deeds (picking up on Fridays) with no expectations of any reciprocation.
Give her an inch and she'll take a mile because in her mind, she DESERVES any favor he's willing to extend. So when he picks up on a Friday, he has now set the standard that he SHOULD or NEEDS to pick them up on Fridays.
Trust me. Been down this road. Many times over. Sometimes being nice REALLY is not worth it.
"For every ailment under the sun....There is a remedy, or there is none;
If there be one, try to find it; If there be none, never mind it." ~ W.W. Bartley
I thought you decided you were NOT going to marry this guy after all. With all the stuff that goes on concerning EW and SS, I think I'd have to think loooong and hard about that one.
I had my doubts
about marrying him for sure but he has put in a huge effort and made changes that i had asked for.
this snafu with the ex is an isolated incident but CG you are SO right, I did not think of it that way, we will put a stop to that too.
he did stand his ground for the most part and I was very "proud" of him
"Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without one."
Well, SarahB
Although there was this added drama with FSS, I do have to agree with you- the silver lining is that it sounds like your FH did his best to not take the bait and entertain the nonsense. I, too, am proud of him. You are still both on the same page and presenting a united front!
"If you have never been hated by a child, you have never been a parent."
-Bette Davis