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Step Parenting has to be the hardest job ever!!

sandm's picture

So here I go...New here..feel like this is the perfect place for me. I have a 8yr old stepson who has been the issue of our relationship for the past few years. His mother lives in the same town and rarely gets him. A few years ago..we decided to take him full time bc he was failing YES failing Kindergarten. After some serious tough love..arguments and heated battles..we are somewhat on 'level ground'. Ive nvr tried to replace his mother even tho he has called me Mom (his choice) for the past two years. He was rude and not interested in school at all. He now shows manners and enjoys school..that is until he goes with her for even just a weekend. Everything we have done to show this child stability she snatches away in a weekend..hence the message. He came home today..dirty..smelly with same pants on from Thursday (we went out of town for buainess) his attitude is horrible and he got a C and D on test given Friday. He told us she seen his grades and didnt say anything..can he go out to play. Of course no but I get so pissed off I want to at least say something..Hubby says we cant control what she does and kinds of blows it off however it normally means i look like the bad guy. Im so over it...this is really nothing compared to some other things shes done (claiming him on her taxes..getting food stamps) But I feel like I want out!!! This is our only issue..either him or his mom. Does it get better?


MommaSaSa's picture

You can't control her and really anything you try to do to influence her will only create drama. I wouldn't even bother with the low life. I have been in a similar situation. I went back and forth over email with BM1 while my DH and I were separated, and I thought I was being really thoughtful and helpful, but she had different intentions and didn't hear a word I was saying. I'm just waaay above her level and she will never get it. Obviously the BM in your situation is not a very good person either, because good people are good parents, and good parents make sure their children are bathed and do well in school. Thankfully your skid has you and his dad to show him how things can be wonderful (and non dependent on the government to take care of you) in life.