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So he surprised me.

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And told BM he could only watch the kids until when I got off work last night. Turns out she only needed a babysitter for 2 hours anyway, just didn't want to have to come back into town twice. I guess he told her that if she wanted him to watch them they had to be gone by 8pm at the latest. And for whatever reason she obliged! I got home, saw the SKids for all of 10min and then they left. BF had them make me little birthday cards, which were pretty cute. As soon as I walked through the door SS3 was like, "Sammmx! It's your birthday!" And BM never even came near our door (she's been known to just waltz in), so that was nice not having to SEE or HEAR her either. BF also cleaned the entire house, but I assume that was mostly because the SKids were coming over lol - but still, good for me! Wink

BF took me out to dinner and actually got somewhat dressed up (he put on a dress shirt, good enough for me LOL) so all-in-all it was a good night. It's the first time we've been out for SO LONG. We stayed up until 1am just talking and laughing and stuff. For whatever reason he was all in a mushy mood (again, unusual for him) and basically just reaffirmed alot of things to me. Probably one of the first times he has EVER told me how much he cares about me / how lucky he is / how lost he would be without me.

Even today he's still being all cutesy. I don't know if it's just residual from last night or what, but I sure as hell am not complaining. He just left for work and confirmed what time I'd be home so he could have dinner ready for me. I don't know who this guy is but I hope he stays LOL.
