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I need help folks Please

Samie Kay's picture

:? Hello,
I am in a relationship with a lady with and X husband and two kids. Now I have had to ask for my place with her, move him over then he starts dating 3 day after the their divorce, he has messed around on her for years she guesses, never caught him but once, she says he is great, he is like a brother they were married but happy but not satified, she is where she wants to be, now how do I move on from the "GREAT" X husband. Please help, I am so hurt and angry.
Thanks for listening,


Snowflake's picture

Your profile says that you are in a same sex relationship.

IMHO- If she is a lesbian then her x-husband is most likely like a brother to her, and she may not have been satisfied. Was she conflicted about her sexuality? Were they friends?

Sorry I am a bit confused. :?

Moon Child Step Mom's picture

Hey there darlin…

If you’re, as you say, constantly asking where your place is with this woman I would walk into the relationship pretty carefully… for your own hearts sake.

She may not be “over” the union she had with her husband (even if the physical aspect of it wasn’t satisfying he may have been meeting her needs as a protector and as a friend) and it may take a long, confusing road to lead her to the person she’s eventually going to become. I just wouldn’t wanna be the “transition” thing… the rebound robin… know what I mean?

If you care for her… give her space and love and help her figure things out on her own.
Even the most miserable marriages need a grieving period when they’re over.
Good luck.