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Overbearing SD

samantha johnson's picture

Heavens where do I even start...My partner and I have been together for almost two years and the relationship can be better I believe. He has two kids of which one is a daughter of 24 with a child and living with the father of the child. In my entire life I've never come across a more demanding and selfish person like her. She will call her father at any given time with the expectation that he should come running to her aid. He in turn is as bad because he feels the need to check up on her at least 5 times a day if not more. I've addressed the matter with him on more than one occasion and he is of the opinion that I'm too harsh. He makes all kind of excuses for his kids and the more I say that they are both adults and should be standing on their own two feet the more he believes I'm wrong which always ends up in ugly arguments. On one occasion his daughter disrespected me and when I addressed it with him I was accused of being at fault :O...I've now resorted to not saying anything about them and in turn I've requested that he leaves me out of their affairs...I made it clear that I'm not their mother, have no intention of being their mother and also don't want their chaos in my life. His ex wife is just as bad because she enables her daughter in the wrong and then think it's extremely hilarious....I can never see myself getting married to him, I've called the relationship off before and the way things are going I feel like walking away and just closing the door on this one.


StepX2's picture

Why do you stay with how your partner is disrespecting you? This isn't the type of life that any person needs. I think you know that this isn't a healthy relationship and you'll never be able to "convince" him that he is wrong in running to help his daughter at the drop of a hat. SD is 24 and you've been in this relationship for barely 2 years. Their disabling father/daughter relationship has been going on way longer and is already well established. If he was going to listen to any advice and seriously consider the advice and your feelings, that would have happened long ago.