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Sam2's Blog


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Well life just keeps getting interesting.    So BM has been here since mid-November and SS went to stay with her.  About three weeks ago he had friends over to her house and they decided to get a apartment together.   They are all seventeen and none of them have graduated high school yet, SS isn't even enrolled in school.   SS will be 18 next month.  None of them have a job.   Well anyway, SS now has an apartment that mom has rented for him.  She will pay the first couple of months rent and then he'll take over.   The two friends invovled will be going to college in the Fall.

Merry Christmas

Sam2's picture

Well it was a interesting Christmas .  SS and SD spent Christmas Eve with their mother.   Christmas morning dawns and DH and I are watching television because that is what you do while waiting for teenagers and young adults to wake up.    They wake up and we have breakfast.   They return to their rooms.  Yes that's right we haven't opened presents yet.  DS comes back down and asks about presents.  I look at husband and ask when we should we open presents.  What I should've said in hindsight is do you want to wait for your kids to come over.  He says whenever,  I take that ( and yes should'v


Sam2's picture

Now that the work drama is over we're moving on.    Today DH and I were going over car insurance since we've added a new car and some paperwork needed to be completed.  We have two forms that need to be turned in, a uninsured motorist form and a Steer Clear which is a teenage driver discount.   The steer clear invovles having an App on your phone that monitors your driving habits.   Once completed you get a certficiate.   The app was on SS phone but he switched phones half way through the processs.    Needless to say, the insurance company now needs the completed certficiate in order to app

Drama over? LOL

Sam2's picture

Well it came to a head on Friday.    SD went to work mid morning and was scheduled to work until early evening.  She came home about two hours after she started very upset.  Said she had a bad  day at work.   Went right down to her room and didn't come out until her dad came home.   Turns out that T said something to her and she was ready to hand in her resignation but other workers encouraged her not to but to call HR and put in a complaint.  SD did so and HR informed her that this was her final warning to stop.    HR told SD that she was liar and needed to leave family matters at home and


Sam2's picture

Well they've all filed their complaints with HR.  SD didn't go in yesterday since she would be on shift with no managers and the girl who is bullying her.   The fired manager is having a hard time finding a job so SD wants DH to ask his friend who owns a cleaning business if he needs any help.   SD told HR that she and the manager are not dating and have never dated but I have to wonder exactly what they are doing.  Last time I checked friends of opposite sex did not sleep over nor do they kiss.   DD sees alot of similarities between her ex-boyfriend and this not a boyfriend.  SD gets mad a

The continuing Saga

Sam2's picture

Well the drama at SD work continues.   Now her dad is invovled in calling human resources.    SD boyfriend got fired for showing up late to work.  He is a manager.   This is the same guy who drinks so much that he blacks out, has a DWI and has had his car scratched by a ex-girlfriend.  He was also sexually harassed by said ex-girlfriend.   Anyhow, the girl who is the ex-girlfriend was seen getting into a car with a man, leaving, coming back and going back into work.  Then the car leaves but comes back and the man is seen keying the managers car.     The girl is on probabiton.  Personally I

Trying not to take it personally

Sam2's picture

So BM is now in town and SS has moved out of his bedroom and over to her house.   He's been there three nights so far.   SD has joined them for dinner two nights. The last two nights she has left at six to go over to mom's house for dinner.  SS , DH and I have had a couple of conversations in the days before his leaving to be with his mom.  I think its great he's over there, maybe he'll straighten out.  However, I can't help but to feel bad that he doesn't join us for dinner, hasn't joined us for dinner for a long time and in fact has never been expected to join us for dinner by DH. 

Just can't seem to get it right

Sam2's picture

So fight tonight.   As many know the election is over and we have a new President.   Anyhow for the past several months we've had to listen to my husband bash one side of the election.  Tonight I asked him to stop.  I said the election is over and thus the trash talk can stop, especially since its upsetting my daughter.   Well apparently that's attacking my husband.

Tables switched

Sam2's picture

Well something interesting happened last night.   Usually I go days without seeing SS but last night SD and DH were talking.  She  told her dad that it had been days since she saw her brother.  Their rooms are right next to each other.   I didn't hear her dad's response but I was thinking, I just saw him about a hour and half ago, and I had seen him twice the day before and even had a brief conversation with him.  He came up about a hour after she went back to her room and his dad and I talked to him briefly again.   Its just interesting.
