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And then the dog, television and entertainment centers

Sam2's picture

So we have two dogs.  One dog came with my husband and was his kids dog.  The dog actually went back forth in the custody agreement for several years.  He got it for his ex who wanted a dog for the kids.  Anyhow this dog is very old, almost blind and frequently falls down the stairs.  His kids barely acknowledged it for months and really only maybe talk to it about ten minutes every day total.  They don't feed it , don't take it outside , don't clean up when it pees or poops on the floor which is often daily.  The dog stinks.  Anyhow, it is a inside dog.  When I suggest maybe its time to put it down.  The dog can barely walk, I:m met with well it'll die soon.  Ok understand hard to get rid of a pet.

Then there is the outside dog.  This dog climbed in my husband's work van, he felt sorry for it and brought it home I thought with the understanding that if no one claimed it we would find a good home for it.   My kids have no interest in this dog and it is too wild for my son to walk by himself and its not really leash trained.   SS took it for a walk twice, SD took it for a walk once .   They go out and spend maybe five minutes petting, brushing it or talking to it every couple of days.  They don't feed it, bathe it , clean up the poop outside (both dogs poop) or play with it.  This dog has been getting in the garden.  My husband has built two fences to keep it out and scolds it repeatdely.   Today after discovering that the dog once again got under the fence and into the garden I suggested maybe we should find a home with someone who wants to play with it, take it for walks etc.  He said my kids would be devasted.  I replied well they can take care of it.  He said if they don't take her when they leave we're getting rid of it.  Why not now.  I"m tempted to ask people if they would like a dog.  My ex is actually willing to take the dog but he has too many dogs right now or he would. 

I had a dog growing up, I had to feed it, water, take it for walks, bathe it and clean up (both the yard and accidents ) unless I happened to be at school or at work.     Oh well.

Yesterday the 43 HD ROKU televeision showed up.   Their mother ordered it for them apparently, not sure why.  But hey, put a 43 inch HD ROKU television in your room on a entertainment center that was ordered for the televison.  Now you don't have to ssociate with the family televison or the televison in the common room outside your bedroom.  Um  oh wait you never do anyway.  Fully expectd a regrigerator, hotplate and microvwave to show up today.  Not yet.  Then he would never have to leave the downstairs let alone his room.   Oh I know, use some of this money to get your own place so your kids can join you and don't have to be miserable here or pay for an apartment for your kids since they don't like living here. 

Our house has several computers, two televison and now this one .   DD , and DS s don't have televisons in their room.  Perfectly happy watching on their computers or on the tv in the family room.   Oh well.  I hope only a couple more months then SS will be 18 and can leave.   I don't think he's doing schoolwork anyway.

Since you don't like the food there , let me put monely in your account so you can go buy food.  Kid only eats once a day anyway.



notsurehowtodeal's picture

For the sake of the dog, take him to the vet and have him put down. Do it when no one is home and tell them he died. I have not patience for people who let an animal suffer needlessly. Find the outside dog a home and tell everyone he ran away.

JRI's picture

I was labeled the dog killer.  First, BM foisted off the elderly, sick beagle that was in the same condition as you describe #1.  The kids didn't pay much attention to her and she seemed in pain and was peeing and pooping all over.  I had new carpeting scheduled for installation so one day when all were at school, I had the Humane Society pick her up.  " Dog killer!"

Then we inherited #2 from BM, also, a German Shepherd.  We all had some good years with him but eventually he developed the hip dysplasia like so many do.  In pain, peeing and pooping, crying all night.  Eventuslly, I took him to the vet and had him put down.  "Dog killer!"

When we are the SM we get blamed for doing what must be done when nobody else has the guts to do it.

AshMar654's picture

Honestly I do not expect many kids to take care of animals unless they really bond with the dogs. My son does some stuff with our animals. He will help feed them when he is reminded and be good about it for about a week and than back to not doing much.

We say take the dogs out and play with them he kinda does but not really as they do not listen to him or respect him. I get both to play fetch with me he tries and they just run away from him hoping he chases them for the toy.

Sounds like the old dog need to be put down my mom put ours down when he started to bark at nothing, pee in the house all the time, have issues I think hearing us or even seeing us sometimes. As for the outside dog yeah he is bored and probably sees that you pay attention to the garden more than him so he is going to get into that garden no matter what. My 1 yr old boxer was doing this lately somewhat, we would go outside and I would pick the plants and she saw that. What did she do started grabbing the vegetables and running away with them. Welcom to dog mentality. The outside dog is clearly wanting some attention and love, why can't he be inside? Have you considered going to some training classes?

Merry's picture

Yeah, dogs need attention and training to be civilized and good citizens of the family. They want to please, but they don't always know how. And if that old dog is suffering, it's time to put it down.

If no one will spend time with, train, and engage that outside dog it needs a new home. These animals are not toys for whenever it's convenient for the kids. The adults need to ensure that pets are well treated, otherwise you'll have behavior issues. It's just how dogs work.

If you're not a dog person, that's fine. No shame in that. But if nobody loves that dog, it's not right to keep it. Dogs are social animals.

Sam2's picture

All good comments.  I am tempted to take the older one to the vet and oops died.   As for the older one , I tried to give it to a family with four young children who love playing with dogs.  I was told not until his kids are out of the house.  Well then they can feed it, brush it, take it for walks and play with it.  I say this as SS goes out side for less than a minute to say hi to the dog he has ignored all week.   I may just find a home that dog and claim , must've gotten under the fence and run off.