Does it ever go away?
I was just wondering does the ex witch ever change after they remarry or do they continue their crap?My dh ex had a boyfriend but i think he left her because she was so caught up in our lives.Anybody have that experience?Do they ever move on????
- sam's blog
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Most don't
especially if they are giving you crap now. Dh's ex has been remarried and divorced twice and has only recently stopped most of her BS with us. BUT, that is only b/c SD is 17 now and deals directly with her BM. Usually it tends to get worse around the time you married your man and if you have children together, it will escalate when they are born. I'm not trying to be negative, just a realist like Serendipity.
Crazy is FOREVER!
It was my DHs ex's decision to move away from their marriage. She had the affair behind DHs back and moved on with her new "Mr. Wonderful". She married him. She had a new baby with him. (I didn't show up into the picture until their divorce was almost finalized).
Through it all, we always thought, "Ok maybe NOW she'll get bored with making OUR lives a living nightmare."
Nope. Never happened. It's now six years later. And it's NEVER going to change. Because the reality is...she's seriously unhappy with her life and is always looking for someone else to blame (which is usually US). Plus, we believe she's truly mentally unstable.
And, unfortunately, that is something we have to deal with forever!
"Of course things worked out nicely for Carol Brady...she had a live-in maid and Mike's first wife was DEAD!"
too true
u cant change crazy...and crazy dont change!!!!
"Given the right reasons and the right two people, marriage is a wonderful way of experiencing your life."
~the late great George Carlin
Ohhhh, no truer words have ever
been typed! }:)
yeah i cant wait
til DH and i have a sure we will bein for some good BM fun then
"Given the right reasons and the right two people, marriage is a wonderful way of experiencing your life."
~the late great George Carlin
I second that Bella!!!
we are in for a ride when we have a baby too! On a side note I think about Twilight every time I see someone refer to you as Bella on their posts. Have you read the books? I have read all 4 and the partial draft of book 5 online...they are fabulous!
I love that series!
But I totally agree with Bella. I can't wait until we have children. BM may control SD8's life... BM may control DH's life (though I TRY to make grow a pair)... but BM will not control MY life or the lives of our children.
And she'll be sooooo mad because of that.
its scary
to think of what the BM may some degree, she does have influence in our life bc of SD. at least, she can try to.
so thats scary...
"Given the right reasons and the right two people, marriage is a wonderful way of experiencing your life."
~the late great George Carlin
The only thing scary
about my BM is her inflated squishy face. Other than that... I could care less. But you are right that she does have some influence in our lives. SOME.
Twilight Series...
and Bella...
You should see my MySpace page...what a nerd I am when it comes to Twilight. I'm a 30 year old that has a "Team Edward" shirt.
"For every ailment under the sun....There is a remedy, or there is none;
If there be one, try to find it; If there be none, never mind it." ~ W.W. Bartley
i hope im always ur favorite "bella"!
i'll have to check it out--ive heard alot of great things baout the series and NOW, well, i just HAVE to!
and CG...i love ur myspace page! i think its cool!
"Given the right reasons and the right two people, marriage is a wonderful way of experiencing your life."
~the late great George Carlin
Of course.
My alter ego's name is Bella. (Not really an alter ego, just the name some girlfriends and I came up with for me to give out to the poor schmucks at the bar)
"For every ailment under the sun....There is a remedy, or there is none;
If there be one, try to find it; If there be none, never mind it." ~ W.W. Bartley
I guess
A girl can dream cant she??But to bad its a nightmare!!!!!
I wish
My DH's CBM could keep a man, then maybe she wouldn't be so hateful and grimey towards us all the time.. I would love for her to find her knight and shining armor and have him marry her and take her out of state!
oh i second that!
our CBM cant even get a man...i know bc she would rub it in Dhs face if she did. in 2 years she said she has gone on 2 he was jealous or something. DH said good!!
"Given the right reasons and the right two people, marriage is a wonderful way of experiencing your life."
~the late great George Carlin
DH's Ex
Has been with an Amish guy, A thug and a few young boys about 22 or so.. she likes the young ones because they're easy to control, she feels that once she gives them a lil' sumn' sumn' that they will then be willing to foot a couple of bills in the household, that's when they come out with a "HELLLL NAWWWW!!!..." and dip out on her.. They have stolen from her kids even and every house she has had has been broken into..She has such a nasty attitude that not even her own family cares much for her.. When she has had someone -once in awhile the flavor of the week will appear with pants sagging looking like a complete idiot and we just laugh, because he's always driving "her" car, she never ends up with anyone of substance.. she's PATHETIC!
makes ya wonder doesnt it?
what were some of our now-DHs thinking??
i know mine was under the influence of a few non-controlled substances...
"Given the right reasons and the right two people, marriage is a wonderful way of experiencing your life."
~the late great George Carlin
I wish I could say mine was
He has no excuse, maybe SHE drugged him? lol!
For me it's a Catch 22...
and I don't know which is worse.
When BM is single....ugh. DH becomes the penis in her life. Calls him incessantly and is always asking him to help her do SOMETHING. Then asking for advice and sucking up to DH telling him how great he is and how he's the best dad and blah blah blah. She also mutates into SuperMom doing all the things GREAT moms do. DH and the girls eat it up with a spoon. I get to watch from the sidelines and silently wonder why nobody remembers all the shit shes put us thru.
But when my skids BM is in a relationship she treats DH like a second rate servant who's job in life is to give her money. She also takes her girls off the pedastal that she's placed them upon while in SuperMom mode. And everyone is miserable because they liked the OTHER extreme so much better. I hate seeing the girls suffer but man I LOVE the silence.
So I guess my answer is no, it doesn't get better all the way around. I can't wait for the day where I will never have to listen to the shrill of her voice again.
"For every ailment under the sun....There is a remedy, or there is none;
If there be one, try to find it; If there be none, never mind it." ~ W.W. Bartley
I found
that when Xwife married, she left us alone. It is when the husband's mother becomes a widow!!!! That is another story!
I would love to find out
Too bad BM is way too 'cool' and 'badass' to be 'tied down' to marriage - or any steady relationship apparently! From what I understand she is in the triple digits now and every single one is 'not good enough for her - she needs a Real Man'!!!! So far they are all perfectly happy to run away LOL
"A lie told often enough becomes the truth." - Vladimir Lenin
My SDs BM is CRAZY and also just plain evil. Not only does she make ZERO effort to communicate with her daughters, she used them as spies when we had EOW, made threats against me, called DH about things that had NOTHING to do with the kids, accused ME of stealing DH from her (when in all actuality SHE was the one who cheated on DH) and just plain harassed us. I truly believe she's mentally unstable. I really can't help but feel some jealousy for SMs whose DHs have balls right from the get-go and aren't afraid to call out their exes on the cr*p they pull and their kids for misbehaving and being rude.
I think a huge issue is boundaries. The BMs we post about on here seem to think that just because they had children with our DHs/BFs, they can still control what goes on under our roofs. Not so. Our DHs/BFs don't bother them on their parenting time...the BMs should show them the same respect. I can understand wanting to communicate with your children and making sure they're OK when they're with us, but everyone needs to agree on a time at which either parent can call the child daily or whatever the court decides and it needs to be spelled out in a court order. I also think that women are WAY more territorial and get in much more cat fights than guys; I think this also explains part of the problem.
I think there are BMs out there though, who are mentally stable and do the right thing by their kids. I just feel bad for my SDs (and the skids of everyone else here) that their BMs aren't putting the KIDS interests first.
Doesn't change. BM's want it both ways. To have their cake and eat it too. Plain and simple. That's just an observation of mine and it seems to ring very true most of the time.
Don't get me wrong, there are some good BM's out there but they're not easy to find. It's all about whether or not they have a positive self-image as well as high self-esteem and self-respect. Without these items, they're monsters.
Honestly, I'm a minority. I'm a BM. I divorced my ex for nothing other than he was emotionally and verbally abusive and he's an alcoholic; a VERY MEAN one. He's had the same gf for almost three years. The way I see it, if he's happy then why fix it if it ain't broke? She's very nice to our kids and they like her. She even gives me hand-me-downs for my youngest! We aren't friends but every time I've seen her, she's always been nice to me and I don't see any reason to be impolite to her. I've never had a reason to be. If he's happy with her then I don't have to worry. And if they broke up for some reason, I would never in a million years go back to him. Yuck. I know this might make me sound like an anomoly. I'm sincerely not trying to toot my own horn either. But it's about maturity too. I wanted out of the marriage. I got out. I haven't had a boyfriend in years and that doesn't make me a cling on to my ex. Why would I have divorced him then? I can hold my own. I don't want him to feel obligated. I don't want him doing things I can do myself. If I were to do that, can you imagine how confusing that would be for the kids?
Just my two,
Another one..
So... she's got another guy "gain", haven't seen this one before, Why did the tramp come outside this time and walk up to the car? I looked over and saw this guy in his shorts and t-shirt and she was in pajama pants so, I'm quite sure they were layin' up all day or somethin' she tried to ask DH if he had a carseat in the car, he said "yes" so then she said.. "let me see it" then proceeds to walk over to the car and look in.. I think sometimes she tells the idiot of the week to come outside with her because DH is some supposed horrible person, I wanted to yell to the guy "Make sure you wear a condom, she's carrying diseases!"
In my case
once the BM got married she didn't change at all. However, her new H seems to be quite rational (believe it or not) and now she often will say "Let me check with H, I'll call you back" Which is fine, becuz we know that she will go off on her usual rant (we won't have to hear it) and her H is likely to talk some sense into her. We don't have to many problems, most just the SD with her lies---BM believes her.
But we have come acrossed a almost arguement ( my H and BM). I planned a weekend away at a hotel with waterparks. We go there often, its lots of fun. I booked it on a weekend that SD9 is with BM. Not on purpose, we just happened to get a discount that weekend. So H called BM "We would like to switch weekends, 20th for the 27th"
BM "Why?"
H "SM#1 and I planned a family weekend, SD said she wants to come"
BM "Why didn't you book it on your weekend?"
H " We got a deal"
BM "Well we have a wedding to attend on my Hs side"
H "This is a family vacation, it should be up to SD where she wants to go. I don't really care if she comes or not. But if you want we can take SD for the weekend, you can come pick her up at the hotel for the wedding then drop her back off"
BM "I'll check with my H"
H "Fine let me know."
That was Thursday, no phone call yet. Which means that BM talked with her H about it, made a decision--told SD and SD will tell my H on her Wed visit (dad/daughter date night). However, I do think a family vacation trumps a wedding for someone SD does not even know. JMHO
The good thing, we have very little contact with BM.
The bad thing, the communication is hard for a 9 year old to carry on her shoulders. Parents shouldn't rely on their children to give bad news.
To be honest, I kind of don't want her to come. And was happy when H said " I don't care if she comes or not." to me. I enjoy being No 1. And I am so glad I no longer have to compete for it.