I havent been on here in a little while, even though i have had some tough times with my bf ex, i have gotton through them, but i have to vent today.
i signed my son up for Karate and when my bf's son was over i decided to take him with me to see if he liked it so that the boys could do something together. I wasnt sure if he would be able to participate or not because you have to sign them up first. basically it was a last minute thing i decided to do.
Well BM finds out and is all pissed off because she wanted to be there to see him. Helloo, does she not remember it is our time with him, not hers.
The last thing i need is to have her there every time my son has karate. That is my personal time with my son and i dont want to see her Face. sorry so blunt, but thats how i feel.
Is it just possible that her son can go with us only when he's with us and not with her. i mean, were going to be paying for it. and he already does cubscouts once a week. i think 3 activities a week after school is a little much for them.
All i want is for him to do the cubscouts with her and the Karate with us, cant we do anything with him that doesn't involve her..
I see her point in wanting to see him, but to be there everytime im there with my son is not going to work out.
Uuugh, I cant stand this woman!!!
Thanks for letting me vent. Does anyone else feel the way i do???
- Rose's blog
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I would say...
In this case it should be up to SS. He may want BM to come.
But I am of the opinion that anything the kids are enrolled in, the kids have a right to invite whomever they wish to come.
We have never let BM keep us away from anything. Though BM would never sign SD up (nor is she allowed to now that we have legal/physical custody.) If she wanted to sign her up for something and pay for it, we wouldn't stop her. But if SD wanted to invite us then she would have to deal.
My relationship with my sons SM is wonderful, so there's never any problem. I hear others on here that stay away from the activities on the other parents night, as a BM I wouldn't allow that. Though I don't always agree with the phrase, "The kids didn't choose this situation, the adults did" as an excuse for the kid's behavior, I do think it applies in times like these.
I would say, maybe you can work something out that your H takes the boys every other time, and BM can come to those lessons to observe.
Not sure if that's helpful or not. I guess maybe try to think about how you would feel if your son's dad's GF or W put your son in Karate and said, "BM you are not allowed to come."
"I never gave away anything without wishing I had kept it; nor kept it without wishing I had given it away.” ~Louise Brooks
I do
I get exactly what you're saying. In our case, since ss lives with us, Bm uses anything as an excuse as extra visitation for her. She used to do this all of the time at soccer practice. It would be on our time and we would bring ss and Bm would show up just to sit there and see ss. She has major guilt issues with her losing/giving up custody. However, there are big reasons why ss spends more time with us than her.
Anyway, I agree. I don't like to have to see Bm at everything ss related but of course she always has the mother card to play. Like yesterday. Ss has a broken arm. Bm insisted on being there when he got his "first" cast. Whatever. So yesterday, ss had to get the full arm cast taken off and a shorter one put on. We didn't think anything about taking him. Bm knew what the cast schedule was(how long each one stayed on, etc.). Well, she threw a fit that she wanted to see him get his "second" cast. Whatever. He's 12.5. It took all of 15 min. So the next appointment for the cast needs to be on Bm's time. Dh has taken off enough work so he called Bm to have her make the appointment and take ss. Well, then she was like, well I can't get off until such and such date, which makes ss wear his cast a week longer than he needs to. That's if she can get the appointment for that day. This is the kind of crap she always did when she had custody. She would put off appointments, forget about them or schedule them and then end up asking us to take him anyway. That's why we took over. Now she seems to think that we should be her secretary and schedule everything around her schedule. I refuse. If it's something minor there's no reason for ss's whole family to be there, like a dental cleaning or something.
Another example is the band banquet. We are the ones that signed ss up for band, paid for the trumpet, paid the deposit for the uniform, bought the shoes, go to the band parent meetings, etc. So we signed up to go to the banquet. Well, ss decided at the last min. to give Bm a sign up for and didn't tell us. So now it will be very uncomfortable. Ss will have our table and Bm's table. The way I found out about it was because the band parents president called me and wanted to know who Bm was. Her form said she was bringing 3 adults and 1 child. Turns out that Bm is bringing her live-in ex, his mother and Bm and her live-in ex's daughter. Can you say dysfunctional!!!??
What was going to be a fun event, I'm now dreading!!!
I feel For Ya!
My Bf's sons mother, puts everything on us and my BF mother. She has my BF take off work instead of her when it comes to doctors appointments, sick day, everything.
Its like she cant do anything when it comes to the real important things, but when its time for the fun stuff she acts like she has all the time in the world. Its crap.
I have no intentions of hanging around her, and so i stay out of it. But i feel like its my BF's duty to say "hey, we would like this to be something me, Rose and our kids to do together" and she can handle the cubscouts thing. Why cant it just be us, ya know. Why is it so hard for him to tell her that.
Now, if the son really wants his mom to be there, which he could care less, then i would say yes. Its about the kids for sure, but her son doesn't even like going home with her when its time for him to leave and calls us on her time to come pick him up.
She doesn't understand how good she has it, we have him from monday to monday everyother week, but latelay shes been having son call us on our weekends off and we havent had a full weekend alone in like a month. It really sucks, because my sons father isnt involved at all, and only sees him 1 day a week, so on that day, i need some breathing room , ya know.
But my situation is kind of different with the BM. However i am going to be starting a new job that requires me to work late so i will only be able to attend 5 more sessions. But until then i would like to be there with my son and not have to deal with her.
Shes the kindof person that likes to invade everyones personal space and i think it would not go over well with me.
Again this was my idea to bring her son, this is something i put my son in and it the main reason why i wont sign my son up for cubscouts is because i dont want to see her. She has done alot of crappy things since i've been with my bf and i have enough on my plate with my son, i dont need her drama. the sight of her urkes me.
MY son has ADHD and has got alot goin on with him, and even putting him in something like Karate is a challenge for him, i dont need her all up in my business with my son and to know whats going on in my life.
i feel like i am always disagreeing
i think both parents have the right to attend all public activities their kids are in, in fact their agreement says that they will notify each other of any activities the kids are enrolled in. she comes on our time and we go on her time. it's supposed to be the kids' time not hers or ours. it's hard to think of it in those terms sometimes, but now that i have started thinking of it that way, it is much easier.
just because i hate bm with a passion, doesn't mean that she doesn't have the right to see her kids just because they are playing sports (or what have you) on their dad's day. the kids want both parents and me there so we all go.
i'm sure the first poster above doesn't like the thought of bm showing up for her kid's activity, but i'm also sure the bm doesn't like seeing the smom at her kid's stuff either.
i don't like even the thought of having to look at the bm's scrawny ass, but it's a fact of life. unless she dies, i will have to look at her for the rest of my life. it really doesn't bother me that much because my fiance and i can choose to sit across the way from her, or in our own chairs vs bleachers. not that big a deal. we never have to speak and the kids realize that it is most comfortable for everyone when we don't. they are just happy when both parents come to watch them.
besides, we are there to watch the kids - we don't spend our time staring at her or talking about her - we watch the game or the practice or whatever. honestly, she doesn't even stay half the time her kids have activities so if we didn't go, no one would be there to watch.
I have the same position...
"'s supposed to be the kids' time not hers or ours. it's hard to think of it in those terms sometimes, but now that i have started thinking of it that way, it is much easier."
I have always said, "It's not MY day or YOUR day. Every day is the KIDS' day, and they SHARE those days with you or me."
I have been saying this for years, and it has become DH's mantra when BM tries the "that's MY day so you don't need to come".
Plus I think there are some parents who might sign kids up for stuff every day of the week, then try to keep the other parent from their time. Because sports and similar things don't just fall on one particular day. So it would be the same as telling the other parent either,
"I signed her up for this on YOUR day so you HAVE to take her...."
"I signed her up for this. So I will take her EVERY time."
I don't believe those absolutes are in the best interest of the kids.
I understand wanting to do something just for your son and SS to do together. But maybe this should be handled by your H ahead of time so it's an agreement rather than mandated.
“I never gave away anything without wishing I had kept it; nor kept it without wishing I had given it away.” ~Louise Brooks
I completely understand, Rose
My skids and my bs are the same ages and go to the same school, play on the same teams etc. It sucks that I cannot attend a baseball game without seeing her. I cannot go to open house at school without seeing her. I have to tell my "she has as much right to be here as I do". It is hard. It is not fair.
But there is nothing we can do about it. I wouldnt miss my sons events to avoid her. I wouldnt keep him out of those events to avoid her, so it is what it is. But I do agree - it SUCKS
I see your side of things, I do, and I too had some very same feelings. But over the course of time, I've come to realize that this is not solely MY child, and they certainly never will be. It's a fact of life that we have to face and deal with head on. It is her son, and the only time I have to deal with BM is at 'the practice', etc. I just chose to ignore the crap out of her.
The thing that works great for me, though, is she sits soooo far from the field, and I'm right there at the sideline- until last year. Now all of a sudden, she's Ms. Overachiever "Team Mom". For the most part, BM is only there for 'show' and part for competition, and part because she is a mother who wants to watch her son.
Wish I could burn her at the stack, though.
Man has the intelligence to change his life,
Sometimes, he just fails to use it...
step mom
our consolation for the over achiever team mom behavior we see from BM is that when she is trying to outdo us, she is for once, acting like any decent parent would. the rest of the time she ignores them, ships them off or otherwise is unavailable for her kids. (my blog stats one night showed that she was reading my blog while her kid was in the middle of practice - meaning that she left her kid activity and went home to read about me)
I've found SS's BM snooping on me too... sucks, but I don't have anything to hide. That's pretty pathetic that "your" BM left an activity just to snoop on you... so immature and diffidently reeks of low self esteem. geesh. When will they learn?
Man has the intelligence to change his life,
Sometimes, he just fails to use it...
We used to have...
a lot of drama, but we just didn't ever get in with it with her. We quickly actually 'stomped' that drama right out by either ignoring her, or not reacting to her period. Just calmly respond with serious calm, non-pitched responses, or simple "Really?" "Okay?" "Yes" etc.
Whether you agree or disagree... this child is her child. We can not control what functions, that aren't your personal family functions that is, but if it's on a public property, you can't control her. So the best thing is to pacify her. If you don't fuel her fire, she has no reason and end up looking like a fool in front of everyone, and her children. Let HER make a fool out of herself in front of everyone.
To be honest with you, you have to think about the kids. What if the kids WANT them there, but haven't said anything to you because of the drama that ensues? I provided dance recital materials to my SD's BM, ONLY because I didn't want to be accused of NOT informing her of her daughter's activities. But technically, I nor DH, can control if BM wants or doesn't want to go. Yes, we paid for it, I take SD to it, I'm the one that handles this event, it's "my baby", it's "our" thing, but we do it for SD, no one else, period. I think it's kinda selfish (now) to not include the other parent, and it just makes you look that much better as a parent in the eyes of a judge- that yes, you keep her informed, blah, blah, blah. You are being mature, she's not.
The other thing, if BM provides you information to events that SHE pays for, etc... then I say go to the event to show your support for your stepkids. Reason being is you want to build confidence and teach the KIDS how to handle conflict. If BM is out of control, that's on her, but you can teach them how to keep in control, stomp out fires, and disengage. It goes both ways. It's about the child, not the fight.
We take all the focus off of the BM, and strictly think about and only about the kids. It takes a lot of pressure off when you think about what the child wants... and I'll have to tell you, most want everyone to show up- Mom & Dad. It's a big accomplishment for them that they like to show off.
I've been here, I've had these same thoughts, but if you put it into another perspective, sit back and try to really look at the bigger picture, taking your emotion out of the equation, you'll see a big difference to how to approach and handle certain things- AND it just boosts your confidence just that much more.
Man has the intelligence to change his life,
Sometimes, he just fails to use it...