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Hmmm dilemma...

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So, DH just gets an email from BFC (Bitch Faced Cunt) BM saying "We have a chance to travel to Mexico this Fall. Looking at the passport requirements, all you need to do is sign and notarize your consent to allow stepdevil14 to leave the country. Remember, I'm asking for SD, not for myself, as this will give her a chance to explore traveling/culture/life".

Great FD weekend :)

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Hey there!

So Saturday, was full of errands and DH started on staining his grandpa's deck. I slept in Smile

Sunday, he got up early again and went to grandpa's to finish sealing the deck. His dad lives right next door and came over to tell him that "J" (the crazy psycho ex that has been stalking him and his fiancee "L") called to tell him happy father's day. WOW, right? LMAO. Then she called grandpa to do the same...yeah she's a fruit loop.

Yesterday and my IDGAF anymore moment with FIL

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Hey guys!

Well, being on the high from our anniversary weekend came to a screeching halt yesterday as I drove to work. My Lola, my 2000 Ford Explorer, decided she was going to overheat on me. I put extra water in and limped her to work, arriving 10 minutes late. I called DH and let him know what was going on and he suggested taking the rest of the day off and getting it looked at. He came to get me at work at 10AM and we left for the shop.

Update on FIL and some other stuff

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Hey everyone,

So, after FIL made a big deal of calling DH and saying he was going to call off the engagement and not allow "L" to move in, we didn't hear from him for a week. Now, this was telling, since FIL usually talks to DH several times a week, if only to ask a silly question about his computer (to me) or just a quick hi.

O/T - FIL personal life issues that are pissing me off

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I've asked a couple of my friends here about this for their opinions but have to get out the latest development on this before I explode! Sorry it's long but I have to give background.

He's wishy washy to say the least! 64, sweetest guy and prides himself on being a religious and HONEST man. Deacon at his church. He has a cool million in the bank. Why he feels the need to bring this up to every woman he dates, DH and I will never know. He's not the bragging type!

Mother's Day weekend

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Howdy all,

Had a nice weekend, albeit busy. FINALLY got the chinchilla mansion done. DH did a fantastic job! I helped make the shelves and bridges and installed stuff but really didn't contribute much. It looks wonderful and the chinnies LOVE their new digs.

Didn't do much yesterday. DH went to the cemetery while I was still asleep to leave his mom flowers and then brought home donuts. DD15 called to wish me a Happy Mother's Day. I slept in.

Already keyed up about tonight...and a bit of good news!

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Stepdevil14's awards ceremony at school is tonight. My guts are all twisted up with nerves about it. I know BM and likely her boyfriend will be there, DH and I and Dh's dad and his girlfriend. I've never met BM, never spoken to her or had any contact with her other than seeing her at the door during drop offs or passing her on the road (we live in the same town). BM has refused to meet me since DH and I started dating more than 2 yrs ago, and I've given her several chances but she's never wanted to which is fine by me.

DH has decided we're GOING

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To Stepdevil14's awards ceremony at her school next week. We originally thought it was for Thursday (yesterday) but after reading BM's email last night, it's actually next Tuesday night.

Two reasons we're both going even after she said she doesn't want him there:

1. So this brat realizes she's NOT the boss of us and we'll do as we please.

2. To show her DH cares about her school achievements and wants to be involved in her life whether she likes it or not.
