Place your bets...when do the skids reappear?
The skids are/were with BM this week on a vacation (away somewhere).
This is DHs weekend to have them.
Last night I asked DH when they were coming back...since he hasn't said a word and that's zero in the calendar regarding this summer and their schedule.
DH says he thinks on Sunday for Father's Day.
Last year BM took the skids for a whole week for vacation supposedly but only was gone for three days and was home the rest of the time. you bet that:
1. BM is already back with the skids and is expecting them to be here starting tonight but DH has no clue?
2. BM is already back with the skids and is expecting them to be here staring tonight AND has emailed stuff to DH with the implication that they will be here but DH hasn't checked email and BM and DH with their good communications skills won't call each other? And BM will keep them and send an email...again not using the other communication tools at people's disposal...that he could have had them but they are at her house until X day/time.
3. BM or DH do call each other, they figure out the skids will be here, the skid magically show up and it's magical because DH didn't think to also let me know.
4. BM and DH talk/communicate, DH lets me know, we all have a coordinated schedule that everyone knows and can plan around.
'Cause I'm betting on #3 AND that me and my family who are planning on going out to eat together will be asked to work around their arrival when DH doesn't show up at home in time to go and I call to find out where he is. But, that's not going to happen. If he's not here, I will take me and BS and go, leaving him a note or text as to the location of the restaurant and the time we are eating. If he makes it fine.
I know it happens on my side, too, with ExH occasionally but I try not to let it happen. We also do know big stuff like vacations...I'm talking about little things like one extra night here or there.
- Redredwine's blog
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I vote #2
I vote #2
We are both close. Apparently
We are both close. Apparently there were emails but they did talk this afternoon and now one kid is coming tonight and the other tomorrow after his event. So 2.5.
Still, they were both totally unclear about the schedule before hand. I get maybe changing a little bit AFTER you have it planned but not to plan at all? Aaahhhhhk!
I was also gonna vote for #2!
I was also gonna vote for #2!