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I should really count my blessings

redheaded_stepmom's picture

I just need to put this out there...for all the complaining and venting that I do, I need to remind myself that I am blessed. Yes, my SD has a huge amount of problems besides being a 14 year old girl dealing with hormones and high school drama, but she also does great things for me and her brother and sister. I need to learn to give her credit where credit is due. I don't think I do it enough. Just wanted to put that out there because I have seen some posts on here that made my skin crawl and I just wanted to reach out to the poster and hug them and make everything better. Those posts have made me step back and realize that things get bad around here, a lot, but I am thankful at the end of the day to have the family that I have. I hope my fellow posters are, too.


starfish's picture

i'm happy for my wonderful husband.... my awesome mom, fabulous dad, best aunt in the world, for the time i had with my most incredible granny ever, for my kitties, my dogs and the fact that i am healthy, i have a roof over my head (and a pool - huge bonus), food to eat, free country to live in, etc. thankful for skids one little bit?? --- nope..... in fact, i feel i would have more to be thankful for and less to share if they weren't around... but that's just me..

coySM's picture

I was thinking the same thing, redhead. my heart aches for these bloggers :(. I am thankful for DH. he is so understanding. the skids respect me, and right now, that is enough.

Most Evil's picture

I think too, it is very important, to count our blessings every day. I look in the mirror and think, I am fat - but so far healthy, which is the biggest blessing of all.

My husband loves me like I honestly felt, I would never be so loved. My parents are sick, but still here for me to help them. SD is maturing and is healthy too. Who could ask for anything more? Thanks for the reminder. HUGS!
May your blessings outnumber
The shamrocks that grow,
And may trouble avoid you
Wherever you go.
~Irish Blessing