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Rain1's picture

I am so confused. My user name is/used to be RAIN. I was blocked from the site!! I am hoping that something is just wrong with the site. I got no notice and I am pretty nice to everyone. So “if” I was blocked, I would at least like someone to explain to me why.

But as I stated, I would assume this is just a glitch from the updates…?! I hope!! Help.

I also sent to Admin, but wanted you all to know something may be wrong.


Sia's picture

I dont know what happened, BUT I will say that it is pretty crappy when you have NO explanation as to why you are being "removed" from a site isn't it???

Rain1's picture

I am assuming it is jsut a computer issue. I hope so anyway. I can't imagine why on earth I would have been booted off.

Rain1's picture

It said I was blocked or that my user name was no good.

So then i tried to make an account using the same user name and it said that user name was already in use, but blocked.

LMR120's picture

Sounds to me like you were kicked off. I went on a users page the other day who I heard was booted and sure enough it said I was not allowed to view the site. They had been removed from the site. I would ask Admin or Dawn why you were removed. Did you get into even a little argument yesterday?

PoisonApples's picture

Clicking on 'rain' from any previous post shows the following:

Access denied
You are not authorized to access this page.

Surely it's a mistake.

Rain1's picture

Nope, no mistake at all. I am floored. I assume they will shut this one down also pretty soon because I just made a new blog about it being unfair.

I am still so confused as to why they do this stuff.