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SParents should run the world. We know how to fix idiot spawn.

Rags's picture

Lets talk Enviro-Terrorist idiocy.

Lets protest some unfounded envirobullshit by spraypainting Stone Henge.



If SParents could raise all kids without interference, we would not have to see stuff like Stone Henge spray painting dipshits.

Those kids would never be seen after some dumbass teen bullshit.

"I don't know officer, the last I saw them they were going swimming in the Everglades with a steak tied around their throat. If you have any further questions, here is my universal idiot  eleminantion license."


thinkthrice's picture

Amazing how this behavior is not front and center in the main stream media...oh wait.

Crspyew's picture

Change the channel

Lillywy00's picture

If SParents could raise all kids without interference, we would not have to see stuff like Stone Henge spray painting dipshits.

Totally agree.

I like to raise kids to a level of excellence where they have morals, they are age-appropriate self-sufficient, they give back to their community, and they respect their good intention elders. 

I will NEVER ever ever deal with a delusional Disney parent ( especially ones who has kids with no home training) then expect me to use my resources doing all this sh*t their bio mom (who get paid in child support, alimony, etc) / their self should be doing whilst as the same time telling me I cannot respectfully correct their peace-disturbing, unruly spawns who will most likely ignore tf out of me (or make ridiculous attention seeking demands) on Mothers Day. 


Lillywy00's picture

last I saw them they were going swimming in the Everglades with a steak tied around their throat
