My post to the Step Family Letter Project.
Sperm Donor•February 21, 2009 • No Comments
Well, after perpetrating statutory rape on a 16-year-old child (though you were never charged because the girl's father refused to press charges) when you were 22 and leaving her and your child for another 16-year-old child the young woman and child you threw away have turned out to be incredible people in spite of your idiocy.
The 16-year-old single mother that you abandoned went on to finish high school with her class, attended college and completed a double major with a BS in both Accounting and Management with honors, completed graduate school with an MBA also with honors and went on to take and pass the CPA exam.
The tow headed little guy you abandoned I have raised as my own son and is now in a top boarding school, that I pay for because you cannot even pay your own bills, and is well on his way to being a man of character and respected standing in society.
These two amazing people were your refuse. I married that young lady and she is now my wife and has been since a year after you left her and your child to perpetrate yet another statutory rape on a doe eyed, unsuspecting adoring 16-year-old child.
When I married her I agreed to become your child’s Father. Though he looks and sounds like you he is mine now. He thinks like I do, believes like I do, values what I do, and has as much respect for you as I do ……. NONE! I was the first person he called “Daddy” though he would point at your picture on the wall when he was asked "where's Daddy?" in the first few months his Mom and I began dating. Guess what? You were not there. I was.
I was there when he learned to use the toilet because I was the man that taught him, I was there when he learned to read because I was the man that taught him, when he learned to write because I was the man that taught him, I taught him to ride his bike, I taught him to be respectful to his elders, I coached his sports teams, officiated his sports leagues, attended every parent teacher conference, school play, band concert, football game, and took him to pick up his date’s and shuttled them to and from every school dance.
I have been there for him since he was 15 months old and I will be there for him long after my life is over. Because I am his real Dad. You were just his sperm donor.
Now for you …… after you abandoned them in that rat hole of a nasty travel trailer you had them living in, the mother of your oldest child proved her mettle. She did those things I have already mentioned.
What have you done? Lets recap your pathetic life. You went on to father three more out of wedlock children with two more young mothers. Your mother still pays your child support obligations for you and your youngest three children live with her because you are to much of a loser to raise your own children. You did finally apply some semblance of your intelligence and learned a trade. Good for you, that is far more than I ever thought you would do.
Remember that tow headed little guy I have already mentioned? Yes, he visits you and he loves you. Because he is nothing like you. He can love what he has no respect for just because he knows that you are supposed to be someone and something special in his life. However, like nearly everything else in your life, at that you have failed miserably.
In closing I would like to thank you for your idiocy. Your idiocy has given me the two most precious gifts in my life. My wife and my son.
One man’s refuse is truly another man’s treasure.
- Rags's blog
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Great letter, Rags!
Your son and wife are so lucky to have you. I don't understand how this guy's mother can condone his behavior and actions. That's pathetic that his mommy pays his child support.
My letter is the one after
My letter is the one after this one (Dear Bio Mom Signed Stepmom).
Yours inspired me.
Yours was great.
Best regards,
this was so good to read
you were direct with the facts, and you treasure your wife and son. They are doing wonderful because you have been in their lives with all your love and support. Great Job!!!
"We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand."~ Randy Pausch
I loved reading your letter
God bless you for what you have done for your son. He will always remember what you have done that you are there for him.
You have been the guardian angel in their lives...... You will be blessed because of it.
I really appreciated reading your letter. It was a good one and you deserve kudos for being there for both of them.