I've been following Billie Tarascio for several months. She is a divorce attorney and a divorced mom.
She has a couple of social media platforms. I received this e-m today. We, DW and I, came up with the tacics we used to confront and mitigate the toxic spermclan. What we evolved to with the SpermClan is not dissimilar to what Billie references in the e-m below.
I like her. She does video blogs where she addresses situations that are presented on her social media platforms in a direct compassionate and clear manner. She often advises how to address the opposition direclty to avoid court. It appears that she is not the run of the mill bottom feeder divorce attorney. She invests significant time in advising how to navigate dealing with a high conflict opposition to deliver on what is best for the kids involved.
I think that what she touches on in the below e-m is valuable and solid guidance.
Billie Tarascio
Sun, Mar 2 at 10:28 AM
Hi (Rags),
At this point, you’ve probably Googled “Is my ex a narcissist?” and checked all the boxes. Gaslighting? Check. No empathy? Check. Playing the victim while making your life hell? Check.
You’re not alone. More and more people seem to meet the criteria for narcissistic traits. Whether that’s because awareness is growing, or we’re dealing with a generation of emotionally stunted adults, the reality is family court doesn’t care about labels.
So why does it matter?
Because understanding how they operate gives you the power to protect yourself.
✅ They thrive on control → The less reactive you are, the less control they have.
✅ They rewrite history → Documentation is your best friend.
✅ They play the victim → The court won’t see them for who they are unless you focus on facts, not emotions.
Why Your Legal Strategy Must Account for This
Many lawyers will tell you to ignore your ex’s narcissism because family court doesn’t care. That’s a mistake. Your legal team shouldn’t be focused on proving they’re a narcissist—but they must understand how these personalities operate so they can build a strategy that works.
Narcissists manipulate evidence and twist narratives—your case must be airtight.
They will test every boundary—your parenting plan must anticipate this.
They crave control—you need strategies that minimize their ability to drag you into conflict.
This isn’t about “winning” a battle—it’s about protecting yourself and your future by ensuring your legal approach isn’t naive to what you’re dealing with.
If you need a legal team that understands high-conflict personalities and how to build a case that protects you, we’re here to help.
Book a consultation today—let’s make sure you have a strategy that works.
Stay strong,
Billie & The Modern Law Team
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"Take the high road"
"Take the high road"
"Keep doing what you are doing and TAKE THE HIGH ROAD"
That is what we heard over and over.
Well, taking the high road will land you in a ditch in family court.
Wish we had a lawyer like this one !!!
Judges see the worst in people. So, show them how bad the
Judges see the worst in people and most people they see are shit. So, show them how bad the shit in the opposition really is and present your quality and superiority with confidence. Give the judge reality rather than the delusional polished turd crap that the toxic opposition invariably fabricates.
Be calm, but do not be nice if they are not nice. Be direct, be clear, bring the facts in overwhelming documented volumes.
We did not have the benefit of a lawyer like Ms Tarascio for the first legal salvos. DW's lawyer was the make nice, can't everyone just get along, spineless version. When I contacted the local paper after the Judge in our case forced my then not yet 2yo SS to have visitation with his shit Spermidiot, I was livid, our attorney begged me to withdraw the full page I bought. The Judge had a relative who worked at the paper who called the Judge and told them about the full page. I named the Judge, included his picture, then posted a synopsis of the CO closing with a message that the Judge had forced this young child (I had a pic of my SS with is eyes black barred) to be exposed to the Spermidiot (pic provided) and included a copy of the Spermidiot's arrest record. It was election year for the Judge so my full page pissed his honor off to no end. He called our attorney, she called us begging us to not run the ad because it would harm her practice and her relationship with Judges and other SpermLand attorneys.
I did withdraw the ad. Begrudgingly.
We did not use that attorney again. We found a pit bull attorney in our town out of state who would send very pointed letters on their office letterhead outlining how SpermClan flesh would be peeled from their squirming bodies if they did not STF up and knock their shit off.
We found, in our case, that a high quality insane hourly rate pit bull outperforms a high dollar coddler game playing attorney and for a whole lot less money. Our pit bull charged 5X per hour more than our coddle get along SpermLand attorney. In the one year that my DW retained the coddle lawyer we paid $10K in fees to the coddler.
In the 16 years we used the pit bull during the CO years, we paid less than $1000 in pit bull legal fees. When a letter was delivered to the SpermClan they lost their minds, whined, cried, begged, and then did what they were told. Even when we ended up back in court pro se, we engaged the pit bull to review and coach us before the hearing. We kicked more ass for far less $$$ and far more effectively defended SS's best interests.
All of it was based on shit tons of documentation. Even with the coddle lawyer we went with a full file box of Spermidiot arrest records, etc, etc, etc, etc.... The coddler did not want to use it, we insisted. That backed hte Judge into a notable corner and we resoundingly won even with the coddler. Fortunately, the SpermClan went with a couple of bottom feeder legal idiots. When the SpermIdiot, SpermGrandHag, and other SpermClan witnesses were on the stand and the lies would flow, DW would pull a document out of the file box, plant it in front of the coddler, and tell the to present it to the court and shred the liar on the stand. The coddler was not happy about that because it was counter to their community focus group hug perspective.
Our pit bull got his money's worth from us 4yrs after SS aged out from under the CO when he asked me to adopt him. Pit bull did out adoption. As we found when we used him during the CO years, you get what you pay for. We paid $4K for his services during the adoption. From the day he filed until the adoption was was final and signed by the judge, 4 days.
Hire the best, make sure they understand what you expect them to deliver, and know with absolute clarity that your attorney works for you. Accept nothing less than effective timely results. Far too many are bottom feeder clock surfers who will bilk you out of shit piles of money and accomplish nothing.