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Irrational dislike.

Rags's picture


DW is on a call with my POSSIL, her sister, the crook.  POSSIL and her DH are going to France in a few weeks on a business trip.

POSSIL recently got a job as a teacher's aid.

Of course she leaves off the "aid" part of her job title when she is talking about it. 

So, she wil be lying her ass off to her DH's bosses and their wives at the dinners and banquets in France.


There just isn't anything that POSSIL can do that I won't have a visceral revulsion to.

Her very existence turns my stomach.



AlmostGone834's picture

I get it. POSSIL is your BEC (b- eating crackers, in other words everything she does is going to irritate you, no matter what it is). Little Idiot is mine and like you POSSIL, she has a tendency to lie to make herself look better. 

As a former teacher, I only wish I could be at the banquet. I would grill the sh- out of her. "What subject do you teach? Oh really? What upper-level courses... specifically... in college prepared you for such a fascinating subject? Hmmm never heard of that ... where did you say you got your degree from? Also what state standards do you find the hardest to teach in your subject and why? Etc..."

JRI's picture

She's dislikeable.   And, you're someone who recognizes scammers.

But it's your DW's sister so you have to put up with her.  We all have at least one in our lives.  Sigh....

Just take deep breaths.

thinkthrice's picture

You can choose your friends but you can't choose your family.   Truer words...

Rags's picture

I posted this blog as a next step in learning to calm my POSSIL visceral revulsion.  Hopefully I can get to that point where it can be a mild irritation rather than a wave of detestation.


CLove's picture

About certain people I work with. And he is being "groomed" to take over the Assistant Manager position. And I cannot stand him and his fake a$$ laugh. Or voice. 

I understand. Get out here...hopefully it will trickle down.

strugglingSM's picture

I feel this way about MIL...although, I would argue, it's not totally irrational, because people often give you a reason to dislike them in the first place. So, the response is rational, just might become exaggerated a bit (like getting annoyed over everything) because of their history. In my case, MIL can never do anything right in my eyes. I've lost patience with her because she's been so demanding, manipulative, unsupportive, and needy over the years. I think my response to her is rational, but now it's become overblown in many ways, because I'm so over her.