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Happy 30th anniverary to my beautiful, brilliant bride with a heart of gold.

Rags's picture

Thank you for tolerating my wanderlust and constant pursuit of change and adventure.  Going forward I will try to avoid chainsaw massacre motels in the middle of nowhere and Mob hit man hotels in cities. I promise.


I love you beyond measure.




ESMOD's picture

Happy Anniversary Rags & Bride!

30 years is an accomplishment for sure.. I'm at just over 20 and while we have had struggles, I would love to do another 20, or 40.. or 100!

Don't feel bad about the hotels.. there have been a few we have stayed at where we didn't put our luggage in the room because we worried about bugs.. lol.. and put chairs behind the doors!

Here's to many more years of adventures and love for you both!

Little Type Amy's picture

Congratulations on your Anniversary..and reaching another milestone of 30 years! Best to you both.

Also: What is the story with these kind of motels?  Seems interesting in an unsettling way, like a haunted house tour or something along those lines. . Reminds me  how Ive heard of a creepy Clown motel too thats out there.. I want to say its in Nevada or that part of the country.

Rags's picture

Lol. Not destination hotels by any means.  We had been married a few months and were moving from the bay area to Austin TX.  As we drove East we drove SW from Holbrook AZ on a remote rural highway through the mountains in AZ and NM.  We had been driving for about 12hrs and were exhausted. I came around a tight curve and there was a very rustic cabin style hotel. I skidded into the parking lot, Woke up the owner, got a room.  It was about 1AM.  That night we kept hearing screaming periodically throughout the night and just before dawn heard a chain saw going.  True story.

On the other one. We had driven from Austin to San Antonio on a whim one weekend. We were on the River Walk all day and decided to stay the night. There was some huge event/convention going on and we could not get a room anywhere. As we were going back to our car I saw a dive hotel, The Navaro, and popped in. At the desk was an old sweaty fat guy in a fidora hat, a dirty wife beater, with a cigar in his mouth behind an elevated desk behind a cage. I got a room. That night there was screaming, the cops showed up, there were used needles in the hallway, the AC banged like it was powered by a drunk squirrel on a rat wheel with a bad bearing, and the bed was shaped like a taco.

I still laugh about those adventures. My wife just grimmaces and shakes her head.

CLove's picture

HAH. Hotels - thinking of the meat district San Francisco that one time with Husband lol.

Many more blessings now and into the future Biggrin

CajunMom's picture

Wonderful!!! Thirty years!!! What a milestone!! Celebrate your love in style!!!

SMto2's picture

Congratulations to you and Mrs. Rags! You navigated step-life in a way to be proud of and came out stronger than ever! DH and I are currently on a trip celebrating our 25th wedding anniversary. (I must say, our resort sounds a little more upscale than some of your prior selections, but maybe that's why I do all the bookings! lol) . We long timers know step-life is not for the faint of heart,  but it can be worth it in the end.