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Finally! She has logged off for the last time.

Rags's picture

No more of that shit storm.

The past couple of weeks have seen a resounding re-emergence of my butterfly bride.  Her eyes have been regaining their sparkle, her skin is smooth and youthful instead of drawn and lined, her hair is soft and silky instead of dry and straw like, she is once again radiant instead of dull and notably lifeless.

I am a truly blessed man.  She is my birthday gift.  Tomorrow I celebrate the 30th anniversary of my 29th B-day and I begin my last 365 days in my 50s.

Ironically, I am the one emotially shakey. Not out of sadness, but out of relief.

I knew that she held on far too long, and that it would not be as traumatic as she had it built up in her mind to be.

Though the managing partner has been a 'gaslighting asshat' as one of our STalker oracles of wisdom commented, no one has been confrontational or insulting, many of them have called her over the past couple of days to express their sadness that she is leaving and to tell her she has been great to work with.  In a bit of Karma bus justice, one of DW's coworkers resigned in Nov and the managing partner talked her into staying. That person called DW and shared that story, that the commitments the partner made never came to fruition, and that she would also be resigning.  First a preparer left a month ago, DW is done after today, and a key resource is apparenly pulling the plug following my DW's example.

The other Sr. CPA called DW in tears today to say goodbye and tell DW she has loved working with her.  My guess.... she will leave as well. Sooner rather than later.

DW is amazingly refreshed, calm, and excited about her new  Sr. role at a new and high quality professional large Accounting/Business Services/Consulting firm. She is taking 3wks off, flying out late next week to hang with my parents and see our Austin friends, and just embrace calm.

So, I get more than a week of batch-ing it.  She gets good and happy and... see ya  in a couple of weeks buddy!  



I love you my dear. I am incredibly proud of you.

Give rose

Thank everyone again for the 'ear', the advice, and the support.  You have been life savers for me through this.

My bride has very much appreciated the perspective, support, and guidance.



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StepUltimate's picture

Congrats Rags, this has been a long haul for you & your wife and I love it that she is flapping a wing and moving on from the toxic toward a sane, professional, non-soul sucking environment.with your encouragement & support.


CLove's picture

Thats really fabulous news!!! And I hope you screenshot these comments and email or text to her Biggrin

When the right thing happens it amazing. So glad that she is getting appreciation (even if its post job) and that she is blossoming again.

Shieldmaiden's picture

Congrats, Rags! After coming out of a stressful holiday season myself, I have noticed that my hair and skin are looking much less lifeless than before. Stress can really change your appearance and mood. I'm glad your wife is feeling better!

CajunMom's picture

Congrats to you both!!! Life will be so much better! I'm happy for both of you and wish you a happy, bright and stress free future!

thinkthrice's picture

To have a man that notices, cherishes and compliments her (instead of wham bam thank you ma'am)

TheAccidentalSM's picture

Great news.  Have a wonderful weekend.