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a stupid idea...

QUINJAI3's picture

well today i feel i get to take the cake for most stupidest idea of the year...
i asked hubby to read my blogs as i felt that they clearly express my thoughts and feelings of our time together and how i am now feeling about his daughter and ex.
i have been feeling dread and guilt about the things i have written expecting hubby to feel hurt by the way i don't trust him with other women or the way that i felt his daughter was a mistake which i now beared the burden of but you know what i got after him reading it all
" yeah that sounds right"

thank you...

QUINJAI3's picture

i would like to say a big thank you to all in this community...

i am very thankful to all who start reading my blogs and then realise i have written and epic yet again, i am sorry for this it just seems once i get going with some of the things ive had bottled up for so long it's hard to stop.

so thank you for taking the time to read and respond you all have become a comfort and added strength.

you are all wonderful and i wish the best for you all...

to continue the saga....

QUINJAI3's picture

i have just reread my previous blogs to help clarify my thoughts thus far.

i found that when just jotting down facts like my first blog it is so easy to sound content but you by pass all the true hard feelings and mental hurt that these simply facts cause. as i found when i wrote my second blog it felt a lot darker and more real as i got to try and fill in the blanks that just by giving facts causes.

just a thought....

QUINJAI3's picture

it's funny i just had i thought after posting my last blog(for thoses that have read it i'm sorry for the length).

but for as long as i can remember i have wanted to offer c absolutly everything that my boys have had even though she doesn't live with us and her visits only work out to about 23% of the year and i always wanted her to feel she had a place at our home no matter what happened. c was also the reason that my hubby and i had decided not to have anymore kids just incase she ended up living with us, we didn't have the room for 4 but also the costs etc.

more on me...( sorry a bit long)

QUINJAI3's picture

well my last blog gave a brief run down on how i became a young mum plus a step also illustrated the struggle my now hubby has gone through with his ex and his daughter. but i felt it didn't really illustrate the emotions of those few years or even the place that i have found my little family to be in now ( that being the mental and emotional place).
