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bm having a cow...

QUINJAI3's picture

well on sunday night sd6 had to go back to her bm's house and when bm came to the door sd blurred out that she wants to go onto a shared care arrangement and bm told hubby that he was breaching orders by discussing these proceedings with sd however untrue as the orders don't state that but bm is convinced that we have now breached the orders and wants to make sure it's noted. we find this funny and also a little concerning that bm doesn't talk to sd about what she wants or sd's toughts and feelings towards her fathers house, we are going to ask for a family representative to assess sd and her views on the matter as bm doesn't want this so we think shes trying to hide the fact that sd wants to see more of her dad. i find the whole thing funny as bm continually states that sd gets upset at leaving her and that she doesn't enjoy visitations with us yet when you ask sd she says the complete opposite so this time we want the courts to take sd's views into account of the finale outcome. we will see if this happens yet or not.


Cruella's picture

My skids BM had so many cows she could start her own dairy farm Smile