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Wanting to wish you all a Merry Christmas

queensway's picture

From this week forward things are going to be very busy for me. So all of you who are struggling with conflicts  in this crazy life  of living with  ex wives, step children, and spouses... Believe in yourself. You got this! My step children are so disrespecful. .If they were nice I would not recognize them. That would be fine with me too. I am not on here very often but I feel that the people on here have good hearts and want to help people. So let that be your Christmas gift to the people who are looking for a kind word, let a small gift of kindness give you cause to help those who come here for help. Happy Holidays and let the New Year be yours. xo Sorry if I made any errors in spelling!!!!!


Aniki-Moderator's picture

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, Queen!!!

Oh, pishposh to any spelling errors. Your kind heart and lovely gesture are all that matter. xoxo

CLove's picture

And have a great new year! Thank you for all your kind words.

ESMOD's picture

Merry Christmas.. We will be off on an island for the week.  Boo that the weather is looking a bit rainy for our stay.. but better than where we are now.  Taking the YSD22 with us.. but she isn't a problem.

Dovina's picture

May your holidays be stress, drama, and skid free.

HUGS fellow soldier in the step battle. XO

Thumper's picture

Merry Christmas to you also...

Nice to see your post. Be well, be safe and live this Holiday Season as abundantly as you possibly can. Smile