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puttingupwithdramainmaine's Blog


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Well pussy 21 is still laying around not getting a job and staying in his room twenty four hrs a day, oh no, i lied, he comes out to eat and shit. Pussy 21 also wants dadddy to pay his cell phone bill, so he can talk on that while he lays in bed. Pussy 18, just wants something every five minutes, every time he opens his mouth he says I need, I need forty dollars, i need a big ole tennis racket, i need a ride, i need more toilet paper, oooohhh good luck with that one, i hid it in my closet since they went thru 12 rolls in the last week, so wipe your ass on your shirt for all i care.

Is this lazzy or is this lazzzzzzzzy??

puttingupwithdramainmaine's picture

Is this lazzy or is this lazzzzzzzzy?? My so and i went to Bangor to visit my daughter and her family and my sister. We left pussy 21 and pussy 18 without daycare for the night. Well, was that ever a mistake, we came home and pussy 18 was in the kitchen with a wool hat and sweatshirt on and the house was the same temp as outside. They had let the woodstove go out and did not start it back up, i told pussy 18 that he was lazy, he said i am not cold. Well you have got to be kidding right? especially since you took the electric fire place from the living room and put it in the bedroom.

WHAT THE HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

puttingupwithdramainmaine's picture

The pussys are at it again!! The pussy 21 is still now two weeks into being fired and still not looking for a job. The agreement was when he moved in that he would be looking for an apt. now he doesnt even have a job. His father keeps saying it will be ok. He says he will get sick of it here. WHAT!! HE WILL?? His father lets pussy 21 s g/f spend the night, friends can come and go as they please, free everything, and he can drink up in his room.


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AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I LOVE IT, I came home from work, there is a huge snow storm here and pussy 18 of course is sprawled on the couch with his 5 blankets and electric blanket. School shit allover the coffee table and book bag on the floor. I come like a whirl wind and inform fiance that i am going in the living room and getting on my laptop and watching my soaps. I go in hook up laptop get a couple of books from my classes out and go in and spread out in the recliner. Pussy 18 goes upstairs and leaves blankys behind with school papers all over the living room.

Does anyone else hate adult step kids that live with them???

puttingupwithdramainmaine's picture

Oh my god I have the only fiance in the world with the most dumbest, dirtiest, creapiest, freakish, stupid two pussy adult sons that are so lazy they cannot even get out of their own way. The are absolutely gross. Now the fuckers are upstairs with their supper like a couple of wierdos. The 18 yr old just got home and let his father know that he needed money for this, money for that, what is for his birthday, what is dadddddy doing for pussys birthday. Who the hell cares, what ever it is I wont be involved, I hate that little bastard .

OMG I am so pissed right now!!!!

puttingupwithdramainmaine's picture

Pussy 21 yr old son leaves the house and calls his daddy to see if he can bring his mothers dog over to visit so that he can see it and not visit with the mother who is a raging retarded drunk. The dog is a pug and looks just like BM buggy eyes and all. So we went down this road before and I told them no him and pussy 18 (the whiner) do not ask to bring your mothers dog here, aint happinin.


puttingupwithdramainmaine's picture

WTF is this all about, I cook my bf that I have been living with along with his two pussy sons 18 and 21. The 18 yr old thinks he is entitled to anything and everything in this house. No boundries and no rules and no parenting. So anyway I cook bf breakfast after I made my grand daughter 5 breakfast and bf wants to know where 18s breakfast is. I said he was still in bed and bf says well you could cook for him.

OMG I am so pissed right now

puttingupwithdramainmaine's picture

OMG I am so pissed right now I could scream. I worked eight and a half hours today then went home picked up the house and then went to class tonight for 3 hrs. When I get home my dh was not there and he had left to get chinese for his son at four thirty the same time I left. So I went in to the local little bar and there he was and I said where is supper your kid is hungry. He comes unglued at me and says a lot of ignorant shit to me in front of his dirty unshowered bar fly friends that have no woman at home because they are so gross.

My fiance is pissed off at me again, what else is new.

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OMG now fiance is pissed at me because he says i dont buy enough groceries for his two sons, one is 21 works, gets food stamps and never spends them and the other will be 18 in jan and is lazy and lives with us and his mother gets food stamps for him and he gets some microwave shit with some of them and I buy the food here and the moron 18 yr old stands at the cupboard and rolls up the sandwich meat and eats the whole pound at once. AND, I AM THE BAD GUY. I always get yelled at if I bring up anything at all about anything in this house.

OMG am I losing my mind

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OMG am I losing my mind or is this shit going to happen everytime things go good. My fiances ex wifes sisters kid gave him 3 small graduation pics, I thought there was only two, but guess not. Anyway they were on our mantle in the bedroom and I got windex on one and threw it out coz it got white spots on it, so what, no sweat off my ass. Well, the other one or two whatever it was is missing and I did not take the other. But you would think to god I put a curse on the friggin thing. Anyway my fiance took my 5 yr old grand daughters pic off the mantle and wont tell me where it is.
