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Dh thinks Sd-17 should be a lawyer and I think she is just manipulitive!

pullmyhairout's picture

Everytime we get into it with SD's-17 yr old twins, SD #1 ends up turning the conversation into being about how we are bad parents and our house is so stressful. And DH falls for it hook line and sinker!
We are amazing parents! Not to pat my own back but really we are great parents. My husband suffers from what I am hearing most of these DH's suffer from and that is quilt. HE didn't see them much when they were little b/c of crazy BM and constantley was taking her to court to get access but really for the past 14 years he has been there, especially the last 10 years thanks to me, let yourself off the hook!
They have lived with us for 4 years now 100% of the time and they know how bad he feels and use it. He calls it great arguing and I think it is manipulative! I just want to say to them if this house is so bad you do have another option-go back to mommy-but I will never say that as it would hurt them. God being a growen up sucks sometimes. Thanks for letting me get that off my chest everyone.


stepgin's picture

I figure if your teenagers hate you and think you're bad parents, you must be doing SOMETHING right!

stormabruin's picture

It's my opinion that lawyers are manipulative. In fact, with all that DH's kids have witnessed with BM & DH in court, SS17 has decided he wants to be a lawyer. He wants "to be able to help defend mom's & their kids when they need help". Evidently, he has no desire to help dad's who need help. He looks up to BM's lawyer because he helped her get what she wanted.

There's not a doubt in my mind he'll be good at it. He can look you in the eye & lie through his teeth like a pro. I believe he could throw a line that would have you buying oceanfront property in Arizona.

He gets that from his mom. :sick:

pullmyhairout's picture

Sorry I wasn't trying to be Mean to lawyers, we've had some bad and we've had some great.
But really he thinks getting what you want and making us (me) feel bad makes for a lawyer-I disagree.
This kid can argue the socks off of anyone and honestly think she is right-a trait from her mother-never any ownership. Want to mentor her? LOL Smile

stormabruin's picture

In my experience with lawyers, they have proven to be sneaky & manipulative. They try to hide certain facts & focus on what "could" be.

It's what they get paid to do. They will say what they need to say to get money in their pockets. I don't really single out lawyers. I have ill feelings toward courts, lawyers, & judges...pretty much the system in general.

Everyone claims to be about the best interest of the children, but they're not. Lawyers will take & fight a case that will put money in their pockets. Judges call a case based on the lawyer they have better relationships with, or based on who they prefer in the courtroom. Sometimes it simply comes down between lawyers & judges to who owes who a favor.

In my divorce, I spoke with 3 lawyers before I got one who didn't insist I stay with exH for a few more months till he finished college so I could sue for spousal support. I didn't want spousal support. I didn't want to stay for a few more months. I didn't want to stay for another day. I just wanted a divorce. Their whole thing was trying to get me to sue for more, more, more.

Obviously, I can't go so far as to say every lawyer or every judge is this way, however every lawyer I have dealt with either on my side, DH's side, or BM's side has come out to be a manipulative sack of crap.

I don't mean to offend, fabumom. That's been my personal experience.