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pulledandpushed's Blog

What to do? On a downward spiral and cannot stop spinning

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I have been with SO for 2 years and am coming apart at the seams. I have experienced increasing frustration during the past year and I find myself looking for some one to place the blame for my continued downward spiral, but in reality I blame no one else but me for the situation I am in.

First SO tries to talk me out of marriage and now he's talking me out of having baby#2 with him!

pulledandpushed's picture

My SO is the first man I've met that I really want to share my life with...I told him I wanted to marry him. I've never thought I would ever find myself wanting to get amrried because I grew up very liberal and marriage was never an issue - if you loved someone you loved them without needing the 'government' telling you it was ok. But, being with my SO has made me feel differently....I can't even explain it!

Do other step parents feel this way?? Need feedback please!

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Sometimes my mind seems to run away with me. Since this is my first experience in a blended family, I find myself getting lost in thoughts that I find surprising to me since I have always been so self confident and independant. I would love to have some of your feedback....please share if you feel the same way or if you want to comment on where these thoughts of mine might be coming from....