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public1234's picture

We just received our discovery from BM’s attorney’s for our jury trial custody case. I already knew she was ridiculous but really this is ridiculous! BM is asking for everything it seems.

This woman was fired, and charges were pressed, 3 years ago from her banking job for accessing our bank records. (She obtained a job at a bank that we did our banking with. Then she accessed our records, then harassed us by using the knowledge for expample of where we had ate, when she dropped off the kids taunting us!)

BM has asked for bank statements since '09, account numbers to any savings :jawdrop: , checking or money market accts, credit card statements since '09, and our proof of automobile monthly statements on all cars owned since 2009! She also wanted to be given access to our FACEBBOK pages. Yeah like I'm going to give her my bank account number or my credit card numbers. Now I'm only engaged and she's asked this of me along with her ex husband since we reside in the same house hold.

Our attorney said that these items aren’t relevant to our custody case, and we weren’t going to voluntary give out that information, especially with her past record for accessing our bank account. I’m trying not to be offended but the nerve of this woman and her lawyers!

She’s nosey stalker, I swear :sick: ! Had to vent! Sad


Jsmom's picture

Don't give anything if you aren't married to him....We were supposed to give our taxes and DH did, I found out later they only needed his W-2's. Not our combined taxes. Still pisses me off that the bitch saw anything of mine.

hismineandours's picture

i dont even understand why she would need to know any of this for any reason? For you or your so? Some people are just bizarre. Im really surprised she found an attorney that would even be willing to ask for something so stupid.

I remember a LONG time ago in my first marriage my dh had to fill out interrogatories-based on essentially a child support case. Stupidest questions ever-I'm the one who filled them all out. Like please list all income you recieve from illegal means. Wow. If my dh was doing something illegal, did she really think he was going to volunteer that information? And if he was willing to engage in illegal activity, isnt it likely that he'd lie on those damn forms anyway?

public1234's picture

She found her a lawyer that wanted money and she paid I guess. Thats how she found one that would ask for stupid. LOL! Really illegal means HAAHA Wow suprised that wasn't on our paper work!