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prozac_nation's Blog

Uhg just need to VENT

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BM text yesterday and told SO that he needed to take the skids for the night [a day after they went home]. He didn't reply to her and she never said anything else so obviously it wasn't that important. So she texts today at 9am telling him he needs to take the kids. Again at 10 and again at 11. He tells her no and that he has to work and she goes freakin ballistic calling me all kinds of names because I won't watch them and calling him worthless, a horrible father, the list goes on.

I hate babytalk

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So SS8 has been on a huge baby talking kick for quite some time now. Everything is "dwink" and "twuck" and don't forget the "daaaaady daaaady daaaaaaadyyyy!!!" He sounds just like a freaking girl.
Baby talk is seriously one of my biggest pet peeves. I didn't know SO even cared about it since SDs constantly talk like infants and he does absolutely nothing about it . To my surprise SO actually got on his ass. :O

Anyone else think this is stupid?

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BM called today and told SO that he needed to help buy school supplies for skids. Nothing wrong with that under normal circumstances. EXCEPT BM gets PLENTY in CS and right now lives with her mother so she has no expenses what-so-ever. I guess between the drugs, bar outings, and tanning there's not enough for school supplies. I told SO I really didn't think it was necessary considering we are struggling as is with the expenses WE have and he agreed with me.


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MIL called and asked if I would watch SS8 [She has had custody of him since he was 1. Long story.] so she could go out and do something. I said "yes that's fine." [He's a really good kid and I don't mind ever watching him.] She replied with "You don't have to, I know you're not there to just watch children." Can't have a conversation without passive aggressive bullshit I guess. :sick:

Are you kidding me?

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So BM has finally fell flat on her ass. No job and the government is kicking her out of the SECOND house that they have been paying for. Oh, she's HAD jobs. Like 4 in the last 5 months. [I guess it was too hard for her to go to work with so many hangovers.] So anyway, she text SO the other day asking if the SD's could move in for around a year [probably longer]. She had no problem signing over temporary custody in that conversation. A couple days later she's decided that she shouldn't have to sign anything and ,get this, she thinks she should get to keep getting CHILD SUPPORT!

BM finally gets to taste reality :)

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So BM has been living rent free for about the past 4 years [thanks to our oh so wonderful government], she hasn't had a job in like 6 months, and didn't have to pay for cable [somehow it was already hooked up when they moved in].

Well her lease expires tomorrow soooo...LOOKS LIKE NO MORE FREE RIDE BIOTCH!

She'll still get free food but whatever, I'm excited. Guess she'll have to spend SO's money on something other than tanning, weed, and liquor [and whatever various other habits I'm sure she's obtained]
