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Someone's been sleeping in my bed...

princessmofo's picture

This past weekend I attended a concert with my sister downtown. She lives just a stone's throw from the venue so in the interest of being safe, as we planned on drinking, I opted to stay with her the night. My bios went to their grandparents, so that left dh and Quitty at home together.

When I returned home on Saturday, after picking up my bios, I proceeded to sort laundry. Upon entering Quitty's room I was pleasantly surprised. It appeared that he had made his bed. Something he NEVER does even though it's required of my bios as a daily chore by myself and dh. (Can you smell the double-standard?) Anywho, I tell dh that Quitty did a "nice job" making his bed. Dh responds with, "Oh, that's because he didn't sleep in it last night." I ask dh if they crashed on the sectional downstairs watching tv, which dh does often. He replied with, "No, we slept in OUR bed." :jawdrop:

I'm sure the look on my face must have been a cross between confusion and disbelief, because immediately dh begins to back-peddle with, "Well, he slept on my side and I slept on yours." What in the ever-loving frig, dh?! Seriously?! We have always had a strong 'no kids in the marital bed' rule, or so I thought. I go away one night and everything goes to pot. And mind you, Quitty is almost 10 and has a history of bowel issues, so the idea of him sleeping in my bed is not comforting. Not to mention the fact that we had a rule about this. My mistake apparently thinking that the rules applied to ALL the kids, not just mine.

Would it be too extreme to burn the sheets and mattress at this point? }:) I'm truly f*cked off by this. Not only do the rules matter for d*ck around here, but the idea of dh co-sleeping with Quitty at this age has me weirded out to say the least...


Tuff Noogies's picture

quitty mc$#!tterson in your bed? :sick: :sick: :sick:

yeah i'd have asked how dh felt waking up with morning wood next to a little boy. that's just gross.

Willow2010's picture

While I do not think it is weird to co sleep with your own kid. (not skid). I would still be livid at skid in MY bed. eeeewwwww. I would not pull the pedophile card. That is just dumb and could end your marriage. I know I would think divorce if my DH accused me of molesting my child.

Not sure what you can even do. He will just say it won't happen again, but I think we both know it might.

princessmofo's picture

I agree, Willow. I have no intention of accusing dh of being a pedophile. But it's the simple fact of blatant double-standards in regards to skid vs. bio. It was a rule, we had discussed it, and the minute I walk out the door, poof! No more rules, at least not for ss. I'm half way convinced this was done deliberately on the part of dh as a giant f*ck you to me. Dh hates that I have a social life that doesn't include him. He has tried driving a wedge between me and my sister before out of sheer jealousy. Dh and I, in all honesty, have very little in common. I like art, music, museums etc. Dh is a "guys guy" and none of that translates for him. In the past, when my sister and I have spent time together, dh has proceeded to "punish" me by turning sulky, sullen and passive-aggressive. So I'm thinking Quitty sleeping in my bed may have been his way of saying "up yours" to me.

Tuff Noogies's picture

u are probably right. that's a jack@$$ move...

i just still cant wrap my head around co-sleeping past the time they start school. but that's just me, i know. especially when they are hitting puberty, it skeeves me out personally.

have ya'll tried couselling together? if he's got a pattern of retaliation against you, it might help...

notasm3's picture

NOBODY sleeps in my bed without my permission.

If my DH let his brother or son sleep in our bed (with him sleeping on the couch) I would go bat shit crazy on his ass.

JustAgirl42's picture

I'm afraid something like this would happen if I went away overnight. SD12 didn't stop sleeping with FDH until we got a house together, which was only 4 years ago.

I don't think she would sleep the whole night in our bed, but I could see her wanting to crawl in in the morning, or watch tv with him there at night. Ugh.

I would be pissed and feel as though my personal space had been violated!