The monster I've created and an update to the 'Summertime Blues' blog...
Well, I won. Or more accurately dh won.
Dh finally sent the paperwork in via fax. Emailed twat waffle with the info and told her ss would be doing summer camp. As predicted in true 'golden uterus' fashion she pitched a fit and snakes sprung from her head. She sent a series of emails to dh telling him xyz of why he can't do this or that. Dh told her to read her paperwork, or find someone to read for her, or contact her attorney.
So the cloven hoofed barnacles for brains troll did. And guess what? She didn't have a leg to stand on. Dh said within minutes of her speaking to her attorney she enrolled ss herself in summer camp in her district. So yeah! It worked out. Princess Mofo is off the hook!
Now, onto other news. SS broke his arm last night. It happened at the school run after-care program. Nobody called twat waffle, or dh, or myself when he hurt himself. Twat waffle found out when she picked him up shortly after 5. SS complains of pain in his wrist. So naturally, barnacles for brains can't make a decision on her own and calls dh. He informs her to take ss to the ER immediately.
This is where it gets fucked up... Cuntcakes says, "Are you going to meet me at the hospital?" Dh replies, "No. If it's broken, call me." Turns out it was broken. My parents told dh they would keep my bios til I got off and to not worry about being home. IE: Go to hospital to see your child. Dh never went. He facetimed ss and talked to him on the phone. Kid was in good spirits.
I'm perplexed to say the least. I asked dh why he didn't go. "Because I can't stand to fucking be around HER and she will make this all about herself!" Fair enough but I think he should've gone. His son broke his arm. So I feel like I've created this monster with dh. For years I've beat him over the head to establish boundaries with twat waffle and he finally has, but at what expense? I think he should've been there for his son.
I know the troll will use this against him at some point too. She lives for shit like this. Well, this and capturing orphaned children and shoving them into an oven for her supper. I'm utterly relieved though that ss DID NOT break his arm on OUR watch. Can you even imagine the level of drama that would have generated?
- princessmofo's blog
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It's not that I want him to
It's not that I want him to let go of his boundaries. But I as a bio parent myself would've gone. That's all. But you're right. If he's comfortable with it then so be it.
I'm with you, as a bio parent
I'm with you, as a bio parent I would have gone. Actually, my BSthen4 dislocated his elbow. We have 2 smaller kids, so DH took BS4 to the ER and I stayed home with the little ones. I drove me so bonkers that I started calling everyone I knew and asking if they could come babysit so I could get to the hospital.
I guess maybe age would play a factor for me. My son was 4, hurt and scared - no way in HELL was I going to sit home. At 14? I'd be more inclined to let DH handle it and wait for news. I think.
We're not there yet.
I do think men seem to have a
I do think men seem to have a wide swing of the pendulum. They seem less able to understand nuance or just plain middle ground. I see this with my own dh. I have learned to be very, very specific with him or to keep my mouth shut altogether. Because if I mention something that could be improved he is likely to take it to the nth degree instead of just scooting over a few degrees.
Having said that, my sd15 was in the ER a couple weeks ago. DH left work to meet them there. He stayed in the waiting room or lobby for a long time with them (BM and SD) until SD was taken in the back. He did not go to the back with them as far as I know.
Really, if BM can keep the child calm then hospitals probably prefer fewer people to trip over per patient. If bm was likely to escalate when dh arrived and turn her attention to him or turn everyone's attention on her then him staying away is the best thing for his son.
Wait...he refuses to get a
Wait...he refuses to get a better/different job, thus he sees and works with the ex everyday. But he can't go see his son when he breaks his arm because he does not want to see her? I smell something fishy.
Wild horses could not keep me away from a hospital if my child was there and hurt.
I found the logic in his
I found the logic in his statement flawed as well, Willow.