At what age do you allow kids to self administer meds?
Ok, I just need a reality check. This happens occationally and it always makes me uncomfortable. Let me know what you all think.
If SD13 is sick and taking medication (both OTC and prescription) BM just gives them to SD and says nothing to DH. He usually has no idea what if anything she is taking.
This has been going on for years, since maybe age 8.
I compare that to myself and I am the other extreme. If my kids, 12 and 14, need medication they ask me and I give the the appropriate dose. If they are ever on presription, I coordinate with my ex and explain what it is and what it's for and when they last had a dose and turn it over to him personally. On occation I would send an email and let him know it's in the kids bag. I don't necessarily hand out each and every dose but if not I remind them when they need it and ask them to go take it.
I've brought it to his attention in the past saying that "what if she had a reaction or we had to take her to the emerency room. They will ask what she's taking and you wont' know."
Also, she's only 13 !!!! Does a kid that age know what they should take and when and what not to take it with. some things shold be taken with food, some not. Do they understand not to take multiple cold products that could overose on the same ingredient?
It's just another instance that I feel they treat her like she's soooo mature without regard to common sense safety.
It's one of the ways BM has of PASing. She treats DH as not needed as a parent. She goes around him as to not involve him in any parenting tasks.
Any thoughts? Am I just too contolling of my kids? not letting them grow up?
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I think it depends on the
I think it depends on the child. We never let Ss take medication on his own. But with his past actions we had no choice. I think 13 is old enough for a mature child and if the medication is nothing too strong.
I will say that if my kids
I will say that if my kids complain of something I'll tell them go take this or that and tell them how much to take. And I provide my DD12 with allergy pills and have taught her how often she can have one and let her take them when needed.
I am just having a hard time with allowing a 13 yo free access to the medicine cabinet with no knowledge of what they might be taking.
Totally depends on the child.
Totally depends on the child. Mine has been on allergy pills for over two years now since 14. He takes them fine and tells me when he is out...SS13 no, we would probably not give him that much freedom since he would never take them then. BS swells up if he misses a dose so he is likely to not forget. Also, my BS is different from most in that he used to help his Dad take all his meds. He knew all 38 pills and doses when he was six for a really sick Dad. It was his way of helping...
I think you have to do what is best for the child. If your SD is responsible enough to take them and you know what she is on, it is fine...BM should tell you when you do the exchange...
I agree on the allergy. I do
I agree on the allergy. I do the same with my DD12.
It's the part that we never know if or what SD has with her or is taking. That's concerning to me.
She is mature I guess. Although I can totally see her forgetting to take it and then thinking she should take double to make up for missing a dose.
Good grief! I can't remember
Good grief! I can't remember to take MY medicine correctly half the time. I don't think a 13 year old could possibly be that responsible. And I agree that your DH should ALWAYS know about medications in the case of side effects.
The ignorance here on BMs part is just amazing!
Thanks, that's kind of how
Thanks, that's kind of how I'm feeling about it. But DH just shrugs it off like it's nothing. So then I wonder if I'm the crazy one.
My daughter is almost 16 and
My daughter is almost 16 and even with Tylenol, she'll ask me if she should take one or two and I have her read the directions (all of them ) out loud. I am familiar with the few over the counter meds in our cabinet, but I want her to get in the habit of reading the entire label of what she is about to take. If it's a prescription, like an antibiotic, I will have her read the whole thing. She is actually wary of meds and wants to read what the scoop is and always double checks with me.
Maybe I am over protective
Maybe I am over protective but my kids are way older 21,19,17. My 17 DS lives at home and I give him the meds he needs and he takes them. My oldest two DD's will call me on occasion to ask what brands that I buy that they are used to taking. I feel like a helicopter mom on this one
Well the 17 year old is
Well the 17 year old is almost an adult, while you may be a little over protective I don't think its necessarily bad, I would start having him/her take meds under you supervision but let them get it out of the bottle themselves. Kids don't automatically know what to do when they turn 18 and you should probably start untying the apron stings, not necessarily cut them
Love that untie them instead
Love that untie them instead of cutting LOL I do need to do that.
Not a chance would I allow
Not a chance would I allow the skids (16, 14 and 12)to selfadminister meds either scrip or OTC. Unfortunately they still try to because their mother is so hot and cold regarding what she does and does not allow. Sometimes she treats them like 4 year olds and other times like they are 40 and twice divorced! But the potential for harm from mixing meds is something that they don't seem to grasp. I am pretty familiar with a lot of mixing issues but I make a point of double checking with a computer program - especially when there are scrips involved.
However, just last night she completely freaked out when she found out that I had given the 14 year old asprin for a pulled muscle. Her concern was Reyes Syndrome. Seriously??? She sent several articles via email regarding how life-threatening asprin is but apparently did not read them or have any previous knowledge regarding the syndrome. Apparently she heard somewhere that ASPRIN + DEATH!!! Reyes Syndrome, while potentially deadly, is only an issue when there is a viral infection and is incredibly rare, you idiot! I would never give asprin to a small child with flu-like symptoms. However, this was a 14 year old with a pulled muscle and we were out of Motrin.
If she could be bothered to actually have a conversation with me she would know that I actually am very well educated regarding medical and first aid issues. But no - she just wants to throw stones at any opportunity.
It depends on the kid I
It depends on the kid I suppose but I tend to be a little protective in situations like that. BM left SD (9) to handle her own prescription and this made me very upset. I would think, depending on the medication, that they should at least be in their teens. If it was a psych med or something like that I'm not sure I would leave them to their own devices then.
I think it depends on whether
I think it depends on whether it's for a one-time illness or a chronic condition. My BS12 is on seizure medication and has been for several years. He's also prone to migraines. We've learned that, when he feels a headache coming on, the best thing for him is one ibuprofen and lay down. He's perfectly capable of doing this himself, and has on occasion. As for his seizure meds, he learned the hard way what happens if he's not diligent taking them on a regular basis, and now he is about 90% reliable on his own. He even reminds me when it's close to getting them refilled (I've usually already re-filled them, but he doesn't know that). I think with chronic conditions, it's important for the kids to take responsibility for their medications as young as possible.
I dont think that you are
I dont think that you are over reacting at all. for some of the prescriptions like antibiotics, it is dangerous to their health if not taken correctly. For instance if they do not finish taking ALL of them the bacteria will mutate and will no longer be affected by antibiotics, which is dangerous to everyone as it gets passed from one person to another. Bellow are two good articles that explain a little more about them...
I am with you on this one.
I am with you on this one. When SD was much younger (even age 8 and up), DH totally encouraged her to take medicine at her whim/leisure. SD would complain she had a headache, DH would let her administer herself Advil. By the time she was about 10 he just bought her a bottle of Advil and she kept it in her purse/backpack and took it whenever she felt like it. I totally thought she was abusing it (he had to refill it regularly), but not my kid not my problem. No way I would do the same with my two BDs.
I'm in the same boat. DH and
I'm in the same boat.
DH and BM both allow SS9 to self administer his ADD med. I think this is totally wrong as it is a controlled substance. SS9 needs to take it every morning with food.
BM doesn't get up with SS9 on her mornings and hasn't given DH any of the pills to administer to SS9 on our mornings. So DH ends up calling SS9 to remind him to take his pill before the school bus comes every school-day morning.
IMO I think DH and BM should be administering the med each morning. Like the other-posters DH feels SS9 is "mature enough" to self-administer.
Thanks for this suggestion!
Thanks for this suggestion! I'll check into it and pass the info. onto DH.
i have to admit, i have not
i have to admit, i have not read everyones post...but here is my opinion. My step daughter age 12 takes medicine prescript and over the counter without adult supervision. the child arrived here once drugged up, by her mother appparently, but no one informed us of what she had or had not taken and what the dose was exactly. all we got was "mommy gave me some medicine in the car". yes, that was very very scary...especially since the child could barely stand. she then said she wanted more.
on another occassion, same child came here to our house as she often does with her ADHD meds and also some cough meds (over counter) full. Later i discover, all of it is empty or near empty...not necessaryily her ADHD but her cough meds...over the counter...
I believe and it's scary my step daughter has a drug problem propelled by her mother's obession to giving her ADULT meds. At age 10 she handed me adult asprirn. extra strength!!! no less....
I keep track of everything regardless of whether she says something to me or not. I take pictures and videos if I must. I make notes on everything, if I feel they are under the infulence then i will make sure I have documentation of such belief. Am I am the cause or the soluation....NO I AM NOT, but I am the person who is the wittness to the actions of another adult that has custody of such and does not inform the other parent.
be careful and document everything.